
June 2020

Yangqian Yan gave an invited talk about synthetic topological defects and synthetic Hall cylinders in DAMOP.

May 2018

Mingyuan He will be visiting us for three months.

September 2017

Chengwei Lv joined our group as a 590 student.

August 2017

Sayan Choudhury joined our group as a postdoctral fellow.

June 2017

Yanqiang Yan joined our group as a postdoctral fellow.

September 2016

Changyuan Lyu joined our group as a 590 student and then became a 699 student.

Qi Zhou moved to Purdue University.

May 2012

International conference on "Frontiers of Cold Atoms and Related Topics" was held in Hong Kong.

September 2011

Qi Zhou moved to The Chinese University of Hong Kong.