Education and outreach


2023, 2025, 2027 Spring PHYS 570AO - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics II 

2024, 2026, 2028 Fall PHYS 342 - Modern Physics

2021-2024 Fall PHYS 172 - Modern Mechanics

Quantum  workshop for undergrads and early grads

Prof. Liang as a co-organizer in 2023&2024.

Quantum Science at Purdue - Physical Chemistry at Purdue ( 

Graduate student Tony Wang presenting a poster and running a department info table.

Quantum open house

Prof. Liang initiated the inaugural Purdue Physics & Astronomy Community Quantum Open House in 2022, and continued to organize and participated in the yearly event.

Quantum Open House: Department of Physics and Astronomy: Purdue University 

Prof. Liang explaining interference patterns introduced by laser light passing through a hair


Quantum eraser demo presented by graduate student Tony Wang