from 21th February, 2022 to 11th March, 2022

QIP-QML 2022

at IQOQI Vienna

The 1st international workshop on quantum information processing and quantum machine learning (QIP-QML 2022) aims at discussing and generating seeds of innovation on quantum technology and machine learning.

The Invited Speakers

  • Hayata Yamasaki (IQOQI Vienna)

  • Shiro Tamiya (The University of Tokyo)

  • Sho Sonoda (Riken AIP)

  • Satoshi Hayakawa (University of Oxford)

The Venue

Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information - IQOQI Vienna, the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Boltzmanngasse 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria

The Schedule

  • Shiro Tamiya:

Stochastic Gradient Line Bayesian Optimization: Efficient Noise-Robust Optimization for Parameterized Quantum Circuits

  • Sho Sonoda:

Ghosts in Neural Networks

  • Satoshi Hayakawa:

Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample