
Research Interests

hybrid perovskite solar cells, organic solar cells, synchrotron radiation x-ray scattering characterization, metal nanowire transparent electrode, nanoparticles synthesis and applictaions (such as ZnO, TiOx and MoOx), microbial conductive materials and devices.

Research Experiences

Visiting Ph.D. student at Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory                  2015.04 – 2016.11 

Project 1: Large Area Printed Solar Cells and In-Situ Morphology Investigation

• Developing synchrotron in-situ characterization sample environments including in-situ coating, additive and thermal annealing to study the morphology evolution and structure-property relationship of optoelectronic materials.

• Fabricating large area photovoltaics devices including organic and perovskite solar cells using slot die printing.

Project 2: Morphology and Interface Polarization in the Bulk-Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells

• Studying Morphology characterization of various polymer BHJ thin films with DIO additive, using synchrotron X-ray methods to probe the crystallization, interface polarization and phase separation

• Establishing Structure-morphology-performance relationship of the morphology and device performance

Ph.D. student at Peking University                                           2012.09 – 2017.07 

Project 3: Interface Engineering of the Perovskite Solar Cells

• Developing facile alkali salt solution modified transparent conducting oxide to replace the deposition of compact n-type metal oxide blocking film, achieving optimized interface energy level alignment and improved device performance

• Engineering solvent resistant hybrid composite electron selective layer basing on cross-linked conjugated polymer PFN-OX and ZnO nanoparticles, resulting in efficient electron extraction and improved device performance

Project 4: Morphology control for High-performance Perovskite Solar Cells

• Establishing a new protocol of synthesizing time-dependent mesoporous PbI2 scaffold to enhance the conversion efficiency of perovskite material in planar heterojuction perovskite solar cells

• Developing methylammonium bromide additive into precursor solution to fabricate high quality perovskite film

• Unraveling the crystallization mechanism under the morphology control with Synchrotron X-ray characterizations and in situ crystal growth observation

Project 5: Multi-length Scaled Silver Nanowire Grid and Application in Efficient Organic Solar Cells

• Patterning multi-length silver nanowire grids by neutral vapor etching process, and applying the transparent nanowire network to replace traditional indium tin oxide in organic solar cells