Dr. Qing Shi's Homepage

Qing Shi

Professor, Vice Director

Intelligent Robotics Institute

Beijing Institute of Technology


Phone: +86 (0)10 6891 7763 

Qing Shi received the B.S. degree in mechatronics from the Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2012. He was a Research Associate of GCOE Global Robot Academia with the Waseda University from 2009 to 2013. 

He is currently a Professor and the Vice Director of Intelligent Robotics Institute, Beijing Institute of Technology. His research interests are focused on bio-inspired robotics, biomimetics, computer vision, and small-scale robotics. Dr. Shi won the National Natural Science Funds for Excellent Young Scholar and Beijing Nova Program, and he has published more than 40 papers in top journals like IEEE Trans. Robotics, and has received Best Journal Paper Award of Advanced Robotics (2015), and Best Paper in Automation of ICRA 2021. He is currently the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, and Cyborg and Bionic Systems. Additionally, he has served as Associate Editor of IROS 2016, ICRA 2017 and ICRA 2018, committee chairs (e.g., Organizing Chair) for 10 international conferences like IEEE CBS 2022, IEEE ARSO 2019, HUMANOIDS 2018. 

Research Interests

Biologically-Inspired Robotics; Biomimetics; Motion Control; Mechanism Design; Visual Tracking; Legged Robots; Computer Vision for Automation; Automation at Micro-Nano Scales; Behavior-Based Systems.