
Courses taught

  • STA 5327: a statistical inference course for Ph.D students to prepare for the department qualify exam.
  • STA 5721: an advanced course for senior Ph.D students that covers state-of-the art methods, algorithms and theories for high-dimensional data.
  • STA 5126: an applied class for master students to learn data analysis with statistical software.
  • STA 4442: an introductory probability class for undergraduate students.
  • STA 4203: an applied regression class for undergraduate students.

Student Advising

  • Min, Keqian, doctoral student. Expected graduation: Spring 2022.
  • Pan, Yuqing (Joint with Dr. Xin Zhang). Graduation: Spring 2019. First job: Microsoft.
  • Ma, Wei (Joint with Dr. Dan McGee). Graduation: Summer 2018. First job: Citi Bank.