Do You Need Expensive Equipment For Sex Dolls Photography?

Personally I have nothing special, no special lighting or reflective umbrella's. Just an old 2MP Olympus point and click camera and some free software (Fotor).

Although my pictures are never going to hang on anyone else's walls, my girls come to life in front of the lens and so can yours. My own family album of my girls contains so much life that it is difficult to ever envisage them as inanimate.

One of the other bloggers here, Algae Holics, through the silicone sex doll forums taught me a lot about natural light and more natural posing of the eyes. Through studying professional photographers such as Psion Satori and Mando's you will discover how to pose the hips, tilt their heads.

Every shoot is a voyage of discovery and through it, you will become that much closer to your girl as you see those micro-expressions captured on film that you never noticed until filtering through the many images captured of her.

It took me quite some time to venture out of the bedroom to expand the studio to the rest of the house and was years before they were allowed into the garden. But some brave souls venture a lot further afield with their girls.

I have seen photoshoots where people have shot some fantastic images in forests, abandoned castles, the seashore. Anywhere that people are not it seems has been the backdrop for photo shoots of these girls.

How To Select Your BBW SEX DOLL Model

The likelihood is that your girl will be in the weight range of 28 to 35kg. When they arrive limbs may be a little stiff to move and getting them to look natural feels like an impossible task. But, consider this.

Famous professional photographers work with these exact same girls, with the same weight and stiffness. Yet they find that glance of the eye or slight slant of the head that turns cheap sex dolls into a living, breathing thing of beauty.

Considering things such as the weight, how does one get these girls to more exotic locations? An anime sex doll wearing sunglasses in the passenger seat of your car is indistinguishable from a human....

Just keep your fingers crossed that the car doesn't break down as explaining the passenger to the nice person from the AA or RAC is not a conversation that you really want to be having!

The films such as "Lars and the Real Girl", and "Splash" the concept of the wheelchair to get the girls to location seems to have been quite widely adopted and again is another way to avoid attention until one knows that they are completely on their own.