
I'm an Assistant Professor at Xiamen University in Xiamen, China. Previously, I worked in Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago, Chile as an assistant professor, and at MIPP Institute and the algorithmic game theory group at University of Chile as a postdoc.

I'm from Anshan, China and received a Bachelor of Economics from University of Hong Kong. I did my PhD at Caltech during 2011-2016 and wrote about signaling games under the supervision of Federico Echenique. After graduation, I started at University of Chile as a postdoc, during which I wrote about delegating learning with Juan Escobar. In Chile I've taught topics in theory for master students and game theory to undergrads in Spanish. 

I'm an applied micro theorist interested in information economics, especially experimentation models. My recent work studies mass vaccination as a large-population experimentation game. My research has received Chilean national and university grants.