Welcome to the Quantum Inspired Coherence Optics Research Group at Stevens

Our group focuses on theoretical and experimental research of various intrinsic links between quantum and classical. We explore properties such as entanglement, coherence, Bell violation, wave-particle duality, etc., that are widely considered as uniquely quantum, in the context of classical optical fields; We study theory of multiparty quantum information including coherence/entanglement sharing, measure of multiparty coherence/entanglement, quantum multi-tasking, quantum state/coherence transfer, etc. We also investigate various quantum optics and quantum foudnational issues such as  spontaneous emission, single photon coherence, cavity QED, quantum duality. Our group also studies emerging field of magnonics stimulated by strong magnon-cavity interaction.

Latest News

Jan 10, 2024

Our work on connections of wave entanglement and classical mechanics is highlighted by Physics World as the 10 most popular physics stories of 2023: An unexpected link between classical and quantum mechanics

Sept 17, 2023

Dr. Qian presents a talk entitled "Quantum concepts teaching facilitated with a classical optics platform" at "The 2nd Quantum Science and Engineering Education Conference (QSEEC)" under the IEEE Quantum Week.

Sept 1, 2023

Physics World released a Research Update about our recent breakthrough on fundamental Optics-Mechnics connection.

Aug 28, 2023

Stevens Institute of Technology issued a Research & Innovation about our research on fundamental Optics-Mechnics connection.

Aug 21, 2023

Phys.org featured our research on fundamental Optics-Mechnics connection.

Aug 21, 2023

Science Daily reported our research on fundamental Optics-Mechnics connection.

Aug 21, 2023

Stevens Institute of Technology issued a Media Release about our research on fundamental Optics-Mechnics connection.

Jan 20, 2023

Erin presents a poster, "Hermite Gaussian Beam Decomposition", at the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), Cornell University, sponsored by APS, Jan 20-22, 2023

Oct 19, 2022

Dr.Qian presents a poster, "Mechanical View of Light Polarization Entanglement Complementary Relation", at the 2022 Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science Conference,  OSA & APS  Oct 17- 20, 2022

Oct 19, 2022

Abdelali presents a poster, "Super-resolution Enhanced by Entanglement", at the 2022 Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science Conference,  OSA & APS  Oct 17- 20, 2022

Oct 19, 2022

Pawan presents a poster, "Duality Control of Quantum Imaging with Undetected Photons", at the 2022 Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science Conference,  OSA & APS  Oct 17- 20, 2022

Sept 1, 2022

Guogan Zhao joins our group. Welcome Guogan!

Nov 4, 2021

Dr. Qian presents a poster "Polarization-Entanglement Complementary Relation of Light with Center-of-Mass Geometric Representation" at the 2021 Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science Conference.  OSA & APS  Oct 31- Nov 4, 2021.

Nov 3, 2021

Dr. Qian presents a poster "Super-resolution of two unbalanced sources" at the 2021 Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science Conference.  OSA & APS  Oct 31- Nov 4, 2021.

Sep 8, 2021

Dr. Qian presents a talk "Teaching Quantum Concepts with Classical Optics" at the 2021 Education and Training in Optics & Photonics Conference (ETOP).  OSA & SPIE  Sep 8-10, 2021

Aug 22, 2021

Pawan Khatiwada joins our group. Welcome Pawan

April 29, 2021

Dr. Qian presents an invited colloquium talk "Bring Quantum Capabilities to Classical Optics – An Emerging Field of Optics", at the Department of Physics, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN.

Feb 1, 2021

Matthew Daddino joins our group. Welcome Matthew! 

Oct 6, 2020

Evan Cowan joins our group. Welcome Evan! 

Sept 16, 2020

Dr. Qian presents a talk "Entanglement Flowing, Freezing, and Thawing in a Two-Reservoir Spin System" at 2020 OSA FiO and APS LS Conference, Sept 14–17, 2020

June 15, 2020

Misagh Izadi joins our group. Welcome Misagh! 

June 5, 2020

Dr. Qian presents a talk "Are Quantum Objects Born with Duality?" at the 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics APS Meeting  June 1-5, 2020

May 14, 2020

Dr. Qian presents a talk "Wave-Particle Duality Controlled by Single-Photon Self-Entanglement" at the 2020 CLEO Conference (Laser Science to Photonic Applications), May 11-15, 2020

Feb 24, 2020

Lukasz Komza joins our group. Welcome Lukasz!

Feb 4, 2020

A new article published in Physical Review Research: "Quantum Duality: A source point of view", Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012031(R) (2020)

Jan 21, 2020

Abdelali Sajia joins our group. Welcome Abdelali!

Jan 15, 2020

A new article published in Physical Review Research: "Turning off quantum duality", Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012016(R) (2020)

Dec 05, 2019

Dr. Qian presents an invited seminar talk "Optical Coherence Tetrahedra Law and Multiparty Coherence", at the Center for Coherence and Quantum Optics, Univesrity of  Rochester, Rochester NY.

Aug 16, 2019

Dr. Qian joins the Stevens Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor of Physics