Quantum Geometry and Representation Theory II

Date: February 12--14, 2022
Venue: Zoom

Skein algebras and quantum cluster varieties (quantum Teichmüller spaces) provide quantizations of character varieties for surfaces, and the quantum trace map relates these two approaches. The goal of this online school is to provide an introduction to these research topics and to learn recent progress in these areas.

Invited School Lecturers :

  • Juliet Cooke (University of Nottingham)

  • Daniel Douglas (Yale University)

  • Julien Korinman (Waseda University)


Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute (MEXT Joint Usage/Research Center on Mathematics and Theoretical Physics) JPMXP0619217849.


  • Hironori Oya* (Shibaura Institute of Technology) <hoya at>

  • Yoshiyuki Kimura (Osaka prefecture university)

  • Yuya Mizuno (Osaka prefecture university)

  • Masato Okado (Osaka city university)

*contact person

The webpage of "Quantum Geometry and Representation Theory" (March 1--5, 2021):