Quantum Glue Meetings

This page announces regular meetings, journal clubs, and review seminars that take place at the UPV/EHU in Leioa campus and DIPC in Donostia on any topic on QUANTUM (physics, technologies, information, computation, simulation, communication, sensing…)

Quantum researchers, postdocs, PhD, and master students are welcome to assist and participate.

We meet on regular basis every second week on Wednesday from 11:40  am to 12:40 am in the seminar room in the physics department.

There are two ways to participate:

For suggestions, please contact:

Calendar, speakers, titles:



16 Oct 2024.- P. Domokos (Wigner Inst., Budapest): "tba”



17 Jul 2024.- D. Berenstein (UCSB, Santa Barbara): "Bootstrapping quantum mechanics in one dimension and spin chain models”

16 Jul 2024.- Y. Chai (DESY, Berlin): "Simulating fermionic wave packet scattering using a digital quantum computing approach”

10 Jul 2024.- M.C. Bañuls (MPQ, Munich): "Tensor Network States: challenges and new approaches for real-time dynamics”

09 Jul 2024.- A. Pérez-Salinas (Leiden U., Leiden): "Gradients and frequency profiles of quantum re-uploading models”

20 Jun 2024.- F. Sols (Complutense Univ., Madrid): "Superfluidity from correlations in driven boson systems”

19 Jun 2024.- K. Jansen (DESY, Berlin): "Quantum Computing as new way of Scientific computing”

04 Jun 2024.- M. Mehboudi (TU Wien, Austria): "Designing optimal protocols in Bayesian quantum parameter estimation with higher-order operations

30 May 2024.- M. Berta (Aachen U., Germany): "Randomized quantum algorithm for statistical phase estimation

30 Apr 2024.- D. Banerjee (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, SINP, India): "Quantum-computing inspired constructions of Field Theories for Particle and Condensed Matter Physics”

25 Apr 2024.- Y. Hong (ETH, Switzerland): "Quantum Machine Learning on Graphs”

23 Apr 2024.- A. de Martí i Olius (Univ. Navarra, Donostia): "The closed-branch decoder for quantum LDPC codes”

22 Apr 2024.- V. Belis (ETH, Switzerland): "Quantum Machine Learning for anomaly detection and classification in particle physics”

21 Mar 2024.- A. Parra (IFF-CSIC, Madrid): "Faddeev-Jackiw quantization of nonreciprocal quasi-lumped electrical networks”

08 Mar 2024.- A. Ekert (Oxford U., UK): IKUR Quantum Talk "Bell inequalities: From Curiosity to Security” [at Bidebarrieta 19:00]

27 Feb 2024.- Aran Garcia-Lekue (DIPC, Spain): "Towards carbon-based quantum platforms"

14 Feb 2024.- Jozsef Pitrik (Wigner RCP and Renyi Inst., Hungary): "On quantum Wasserstein distance"

07 Feb 2024.- A. Schaefer (Univ. Regensburg, Germany): EHU Colloquium "Decoherence and Thermalisation of gauge theories"

31 Jan 2024.- R. Fazio (ICTP, Italy): "Quantum time-crystals"

30 Jan 2024.- B. Xing (SUTD, Singapore): "Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon Interactions in the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-Hubbard Model"

24 Jan 2024.- J.P. Solovey (Copenhagen Univ, Denmark): IKUR Colloquium "On dilute quantum gases"

18 Jan 2024.- V. Makhalov (ICFO, Spain): "Observation of collective excitations of supersolid-stripe phase in a spin-orbit-coupled BEC"

17 Jan 2024.- A. Acin (ICFO, Spain): EHU Colloquium "From Bell's theorem to the device-independent quantum information paradigm"

11-12 Jan 2024.- D. Perez-Garcia (UCM & ICMAT, Spain): Lecture series "Functional inequalities in quantum computing"

30 Nov 2023.- S. Monaco (Univ. Padova, Italy): "Study of quantum correlations in LHCb simulated heavy flavour jets"

27 Nov 2023.- F. Fröwis (Nutshell Quantum-Safe, Austria): "Quantum Key Distribution as Indispensable Component for Quantum-Safe Communication Networks"

16 Nov 2023.- J. Yang (Nordita, Scandinavia): "Precision Limits in Many-body Quantum Sensing"

16 Nov 2023.- J. Tura (Univ. Leiden, Holland): "Extending Quantum Algorithms for Eigenstate Preparation to Distributed Architectures"

02 Nov 2023.- A. Franco (MPQ, Germany): "Stability to errors and quantum advantage in analog quantum simulation"

31 Oct 2023.- J. Garcia-Ripoll (IFF-CSIC, Spain): "From QAOA to adiabatic quantum computation"

26 Oct 2023.- D. Stilck França (ENS Lyon and INRIA, France): "Efficient learning of ground & thermal states within phases of matter"

25 Oct 2023.- M. Rigobello (Univ. Padova, Italy): "Scattering in Lattice Gauge Theory via Tensor Networks"

20 Oct 2023.- 6th Basque Quantum Science and Technology Workshop (2nd IKUR Quantum Workshop)

19 Oct 2023.- P. Strasberg (UAB, Spain): "Everything Everywhere All At Once? Towards a Quantitative Understanding of Many Worlds"

19 Oct 2023.- R. Lopez (IFISC, Spain): "The significance of quantum effects in optimizing engine performances"

10 Oct 2023.- M. Win (MIT, USA): "Location-of-Things: From Foundation To Operation Towards 6G Ecosystem"

04 Oct 2023.- L. Tarruell (ICFO, Spain): "Exotic superfluids with Bose-Einstein condensates"

03 Oct 2023.- A. Pozas-Kerstjens (ICMAT, Spain): "Quantum Machine Learning: from fault-tolerant to quantum-inspired algorithms, stopping by NISQ"

13 Sept 2023.- F. Ringer (JLab, USA): "Toward quantum simulations of elementary particle physics"

06 Sep 2023.- L. Jaubert (Univ. Bordeaux, France): "Crash course on emergent gauge fields in spin liquids"

05 Sep 2023.- A. Lerose (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland): "Theory of robust quantum many-body scars in long-range interacting systems"


19 Jul 2023.- S. Llorens (UAB, Spain): "Quantum Edge Detection"

18 Jul 2023.- A. Rico (Jagiellonian University, Poland): "Entanglement detection with trace polynomials"

12 Jul 2023.- M. Gomez Rocha (Univ. Granada, Spain): "RG procedure for effective particles: a Hamiltonian approach to hadron physics"

07 Jun 2023.- G. Cataldi (Padova, Italy): "Tensor Network Methods for Lattice Gauge Theories in High-dimensional Quantum Many-Body Hamiltonians"

31 May 2023.- I. Santiago (Nanogune, Spain): "Design, detection and actuation of DNA self-assembled nanostructures"

24 May 2023.- K. Temme (IBM, USA): "What can I do with a noisy quantum computer?"

17 May 2023.- M. Lewenstein (ICFO, Spain): "The coming decades of quantum simulators"

11 May 2023.- L. Tagliacozzo (IFF-CSIC, Spain): "Phase diagram of 1+1D Abelian-Higgs model, its critical point and spectral properties"

19 Apr 2023.- Ll. Masanes (UCL, UK): "Discrete holography in dual-unitary circuits"

22 Mar 2023.- S. Morelli (BCAM & UPV/EHU, Spain): "Geometry of the state space of two qubits"

15 Mar 2023.- S. Pradhan (Bologna Univ, Italy): "Hamiltonians and gauge-invariant Hilbert space for lattice gauge theories with a finite non-Abelian group"

22 Feb 2023.- G. Sierra (IFT & UAM, Madrid, Spain): "Tensor Networks and Conformal Field Theory"

25 Jan 2023.- M. Gessner (IFIC & Univ. Valencia, Spain): "Quantum-enhanced estimation of mode parameters"

18 Jan 2023.- D. Sokolovski (Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU, Spain): "Wigner's friend scenarios and the internal consistency of standard quantum mechanics"

17 Jan 2023.- S. Pascazio (Univ. Bari & INFN, Italy): "Dimensional Reduction of Field Theories"

11 Jan 2023.- E. Combarro (Univ. Oviedo, Spain): "Some applications of quantum computing in algebraic problems and high energy physics"

21 Dec 2022.- L. Jaubert (Univ. Bordeaux, France): "Seeing magnetic monopoles and a glimpse of the 4th dimension in frustrated magnets"

14 Dec 2022.- S. Morelli (BCAM & UPV/EHU, Spain): "Entanglement detection with imprecise measurements"

30 Nov 2022.- S. Vallecorsa (CERN, Switzerland): "Quantum Generative Models in High Energy Physics"

23 Nov 2022.- M. Asorey (Zaragoza Univ., Spain): "Bulk-Edge Dualities in Topological Matter"

16 Nov 2022.- S. Imai (Univ. Siegen, Germany): "Entanglement detection from randomized measurements"

09 Nov 2022.- M. Burkardt (New Mexico State Univ, U.S.A.): "Imaging nucleons"

02 Nov 2022.- M. Larocca (Los Alamos, U.S.A.): "Group-Invariant Quantum Machine Learning"

26 Oct 2022.- D. Zueco (INMA-CSIC, Spain): "Circuit Complexity through phase transitions"

19 Oct 2022.- D. Barredo (CNRS & CINN-CSIC, France & Spain): "Exploring quantum spin models with tunable arrays of Rydberg atoms"

05 Oct 2022.- C. Wilson (Waterloo Univ, Canada): "Analog Quantum Simulation of Topological Lattice Models with a Parametric Cavity"

20 Sept 2022.- F. Di Marcantonio (CERN, Switzerland): "The Role of Data in Projected Quantum Kernels: the Higgs Boson Discrimination"


14 Jun 2022.- D. Novoa (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque, Spain): "Harnessing light with gas and glass"

07 Jun 2022.- G. Giedke (DIPC & Ikerbasque, Spain): "Looking for Qubits in Graphene Nanostructures"

31 May 2022.- J.J. Meyer, (FU Berlin, Germany): "Quantum metrology in the non-asymptotic regime"

31 May 2022.- D. Bercioux (DIPC & Ikerbasque, Spain): "Tunable geometric phase in graphene quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling"

24 May 2022.- L. Garcia-Alvarez (Chalmers, Sweden): "Quantifying qubit magic with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill encoding"

24 May 2022.- D. Guery-Odelin (U. Toulouse, France): "Quantum State control of a Bose Einstein condensate in an optical lattice"

16 May 2022.- Viktor Chikan (Kansas State U., USA): "Triggering molecular transport via pulse magnetic fields"

12 May 2022.- C. Munuera (UPV/EHU, Spain): "High fidelity nanoscale NMR spectroscopy at large fields"

26 Apr 2022.- J.J. Blanco (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque, Spain): "Gravitational waves from cosmic strings"

12 Apr 2022.- E.J. Cocinero (UPV/EHU, Spain): "Decoding biostructures by high-resolution spectroscopy and applications"

29 Mar 2022.- P. Massignan (UPC, Spain): "Engineering and detecting topological phases in photonic, semiconductor and ultracold systems"

15 Mar 2022.- M.G. Vergniory (DIPC, Spain & Max-Planck, Germany): "Crystalline symmetries in topological materials"

22 Feb 2022.- J. Etxezarreta (Univ. Navarra, Donostia): "Decoherence and Quantum Error Correction for Quantum Computing and Communications”

08 Feb 2022.- J.-B. Bru (BCAM, Spain): "From Short-Range to Mean-Field Models in Lattice Quantum Systems"

25 Jan 2022.- M.G. Echevarria (UPV/EHU, Spain): "What is a proton made of and why should I care?"

30 Nov 2021.- G. Sentis (UAB, Spain): "Quantum sequential hypothesis testing"

11 Nov 2021.- S. Szalay (UPV/EHU, Spain & Wigner Research C., Hungary): "Permutation invariant multipartite entanglement and correlations"

9 Nov 2021.- S. Morelli (IQOQI Vienna & University of Technology (TU) Vienna): "Activation of genuine multipartite entanglement"

14 Oct 2021.- M. Mueller (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH): "Topological Quantum Error Correction: From Theoretical Concepts to Experiments"


22 Jun 2021.- A. Moreno, I. Oregui, E. Osaba, E. Villar (Tecnalia & Ibermatica, Basque Country): "Hybrid Quant Comp-Tabu Search Algorithm for Partitioning Optimization Problems"

15 Jun 2021.- Gavin Brennen (Macquarie Univ., Sydney, Australia): "Geometric control for scalable quantum sensing"

08 Jun 2021.- Norbert Schuch (MPQ Munich, Germany): "Entanglement order parameters from Tensor Networks"

01 Jun 2021.- Diego Blas (King C. London, UK): "Exploring light dark matter with atomic clocks and magnetometers"

25 May 2021.- David Zueco (INMA-CSIC, Spain): "Quantum magnetism driven by light"

18 May 2021.- Alberto Cortijo (IFIMAC, UAM, Spain): "Non Hermitian Physics: What is it good for?"

11 May 2021.- Peter Rabl (TU Wien, Austria): "The vacua and thermal states of cavity QED"

04 May 2021.- Alejandro Bermudez (Universidad Complutense, Spain): "Dynamical mass generation and correlated topological matter"

27 Apr 2021.- Simone Montangero (Università di Padova, Italy): "Tensor network algorithms for high-dimensional simulations"

20 Apr 2021.- Otfried Gühne (Siegen University, Germany): "The Quantum Marginal Problem"

13 Apr 2021.- Igor Lesanovsky (ITP, Tübingen, Germany): "Neural network dynamics in open quantum many-body systems"

30 Mar 2021.- Tomas Ramos (IFF-CSIC, Spain): "Topological input-output theory for directional amplification"

23 Mar 2021.- Mikel Sanz (UPV/EHU, Spain): "Quantum algorithms in the NISQ era"

16 Mar 2021.- Tamás Kiss (Wigner Research C., Hungary): "Dynamical features of iterated nonlinear qubit protocols with measurement selection"

09 Mar 2021.- Rejish Nath (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune): "Ultracold Dipolar atoms"

02 Mar 2021.- Hannes Pichler (ITP UIBK & IQOQI, Austria): "Probing many-body physics with Rydberg atom arrays"

23 Feb 2021.- Roman Orus (DIPC & Ikerbasque, Spain): "News on quantum and q-inspired computing: simulating matter, portfolios, and elections"

16 Feb 2021.- Nicole Fabbri (INO-CNR & LENS, Florence, Italy): "Quantum science and applications with diamond NV centers"

09 Feb 2021.- Íñigo Liberal (UPNA, Spain): "Electrodynamics in the zero-index limit"

02 Feb 2021.- Federica Surace (SISSA, Italy): "Quantum simulation of real-time evolution in lattice gauge theories"

26 Jan 2021.- Jorge Casanova (UPV/EHU, Spain): "Diamond based quantum technologies"

19 Jan 2021.- Juan José García Ripoll (IFF-CSIC, Spain): "Quantum algorithms and quantum-inspired methods for numerical analysis problems"

12 Jan 2021.- Philipp Hauke (Trento Univ., Italy): "Quantum simulating lattice gauge theories – high-energy physics at ultra-cold temperatures"

15 Dec 2020.- Michele Modugno (Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU, Spain): "Simulating the Haldane model with ultracold atoms: different perspectives"

01 Dec 2020.- Matteo Rizzi (Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany): "Exploring Synthetic Quantum Matter with Tensor Networks"

24 Nov 2020.- Robert Trenyi (University of Vigo, Spain): "Enhancing the performance of quantum key distribution"

11 Nov 2020.- Miguel A. Cazalilla (DIPC & Ikerbasque, Spain): "Bloch electrons in metals and the Boltzmann transport equation"


10 Mar 2020.- Iñigo L. Egusquiza (UPV/EHU, Spain): "Lightning introduction to circuit quantization"

11 Feb 2020.- Enrique Rico (Ikerbasque & UPV/EHU, Spain): "Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge Models"