
From Nagoya Station

  1. Take the Subway Higashiyama Line (for Fujigaoka) at Nagoya Station and get off at Motoyama Station.
  2. Change trains to the Subway Meijo Line (clockwise) at Motoyama Station and get off at Nagoya Daigaku Station.

From Central Japan International Airport (Centrair)

  1. Take the Meitetsu Line at Central Japan International Airport (Centrair) Station and get off at Kanayama Station.
  2. Change trains to the Subway Meijo Line (counterclockwise) at Kanayama Station and get off at Nagoya Daigaku Station.

From Nagoya University metro station

Get out from "West Connecting Passage Exit" (along the way to "Exit3", go up stairs beside a convenience store in the left) or "Exit3". Cross the northen crosswalk. Enter the campus. ES building is left on the campus street (Restaurant "chez Jiroud" on the ground floor).