Publish your QGIS projects and layers as OGC compatible WMS, WMTS, WFS and WCSservices. Control which layers, attributes, layouts and coordinatesystems are exported.QGIS server is considered as a reference implementation for WMS 1.3.

QGIS Server is an open source WMS, WFS, OGC API for Features 1.0 (WFS3) and WCSimplementation that, in addition, implements advanced cartographic features forthematic mapping. QGIS Server is a FastCGI/CGI (Common Gateway Interface)application written in C++ that works together with a web server (e.g., Apache,Nginx). It has Python plugin support allowing for fast and efficientdevelopment and deployment of new features.

Qgis Server Download

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QGIS Server uses QGIS as back end for the GIS logic and for map rendering.Furthermore, the Qt library is used for graphics and for platform-independentC++ programming. In contrast to other WMS software, the QGIS Server usescartographic rules as a configuration language, both for the serverconfiguration and for the user-defined cartographic rules.

In the following sections, we will provide a sample configuration to set upa QGIS Server on Linux (Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives) and on Windows.For more information about server plugin development, please read QGIS Server and Python.

I set the rights to the Folder /var/www/html/S5/qgis and all Folders and files inside to 775 via chmod but I cant get it to work. I have no idea and I find no useful threads in the hole internet to help me out.

QGIS Server provides a web map service (WMS) using the same libraries as the Quantum GIS (QGIS) desktop application.

Maps and print templates created in QGIS desktop can be published as web maps simply by copying the QGIS project file into the server directory. The resulting web maps look exactly the same as in the desktop.

QGIS Server is usually run as CGI/FastCGI module within the Apache Webserver.

The QGIS Server fastcgi will be installed within the QGIS application package as (note: this could change in the future). The following instructions assume a default installation in /Applications.

On OS X Server, use the Server Admin app. Select Web under your server, then Settings->Modules. Find fastcgi_module in the module list and check the box to enable it. Click the Save button.

0. Pre-notes

Working on/in windows means for me like working with ten thumbs on two left hands -- or:

I am not a windows expert! And normally I even do not have easy access to any winbox. So this howto explains

how I got QGIS server up and running but might not always show the ideal way.

2. Execute the installer, use the settings below:

(maybe the wording differs a little bit, as I translated this from German, I do not have an English winbox for testing, so I didn't see the English naming used by the installer)

 -> advanced installation (3. possibility) -> install from web (1. possibility) -> root-directory c:\OSGeo4W, all users -> leave the local-package directory as is or change it -> choose web-access due to your lan -> choose the following packages (don't care about dependencies, the installer does this automatically): - Desktop: Qgis - Web: Apache Webserver QGIS-Server

3b. In the moment (July 2011; this was not necessary with Apache 2.2.14-4 and QGIS Server 1.7.1-2 - October 20 2011 on XP) QGIS on windows seems not to work as FastCGI, so edit the file


3c. If after restarting Apache and you get an error trying to go to the URL _mapserv.fcgi.exe?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities, you may need to move some libraries into your qgis area. Copy all of the DLL libraries from 

C:/OSGeo4w/bin to C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis/bin Not sure if all the libraries are needed but copying all of them over fixed the error.

3d. If you do not want to use the osgeo-apache and already have your own

apache running, just create a directory in the apache-dir, e.g.


and copy the httpd_qgis.conf file into this directory, then add the following section to the httpd.conf of your apache. Place this at the end of the

config-file and ensure bot to be in any subsection (subsections appear like

this and end with 

 # parse other apache conf files include "C:\[YOURPATHTOYOURAPACHEINSTALLATION]\httpd.d\httpd_*.conf" 

Restart apache (e.g. settings-panel -> services -> apache -> restart)

You also might change the installation directory of the QGIS server by

editing the pathes in the httpd_qgis.conf-file.

4. In my installation the link to the required *.dll's did not work (again, this was not necessary with Apache 2.2.14-4. - October 20 2011 on XP). There are required *.dlls in the folder


I copied all *.dll's from there to my qgis-server folder:


In order to get the newest QGIS-builts also use the osgeo4w installer. First backup your httpd_qgis.conf-file, then run the osgeo4w-setup.exe again.

In the desktop-section now choose "QGIS nightly builts" (yes, Desktop - they include also the newest qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe!!)

Afterwards you'll probably have a new qgis-setup. In the source-files you'll find the brand new qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe in the qgis-binary folder.

Copy this to the c:/osgeo4w/apps/qgis/bin-directory and test. I do not know, if probably any of the dll-files have changed, so if this does not work,

you might copy the dll's again as discussed above in top 4.

Similar to UMN mapserver, the map parameter can be used to specify the path to the QGIS projectfile. If not specified, QGIS searches for .qgs files in the directory where the server executable is located.

Subsets of layers can be selected with the FILTER parameter. Syntax is basically the same as for the QGIS subset string. However, there are some restrictions to avoid SQL injections into databases via QGIS server:

Note that it is possible to make attribute searches via GetFeatureInfo and leave away the X/Y parameter if a FILTER is there. QGIS server then returns info about the matching features and generates a combined bounding box in the xml output

QGIS server has the capability to create print composer output as pdf or pixel format. Print composer windows in the published project are used as templates. In the GetPrint request, the client has the possibility to specify parameters of the contained composer maps and labels.

Needs to be relatively simple to implement OR with a good tutorial. I have dabbled with this sort of thing before but still get a bit confused with too much server jargon & command line stuff - keen to learn at least!

Depending on what OS you use, you need to get files on the server, you could use github to version-control your files and a workflow there to get stuff up on the server, or you can just use WinSCP or a some other SFTP client.

I have QGIS server working. The standard functionality is to add ?map=path/to/projectfile.qgs to the server URL. So you can dynamically switch between projects in your webapplication. Now I make my projects and upload my projectfile to the server to get them working in my application. That works fine.

I saw information on QGIS server but it looks like a stripped down WMS version of the original QGIS. I wondered if there was something that offers me a broader range of function with the efficiency of QGIS server technology for remote usage...?

Why do I need full functionality? Well, instead of only displaying and filtering data (think of WMS) I would like to use this setup to create spatial models that require QGIS algorithms. Those models can often take up long processing hours and by executing them on a server I could free my Desktop PC from the processing overload.

A lot of processing in QGIS are "just" commandline tools in a nice gui. If you use a local QGIS to test your command, you could execute that command on the server via ssh. If the command is not a terminal command, it might be a Pyhton one. Generate the script localy and run it on the server, again via ssh.

QGIS Cloud is your powerful Web-GIS platform for publishing maps, data and services on the internet. Create and edit professional maps with all the capabilities from QGIS. With only a few short mouse-clicks you can share your work on with the public.

Our QGIS Server Socket unit defines and creates a file system socket, a.k.a. a Unix socket, which will be used by the web server, NGINX in our case, to start and communicate with QGIS Server. The Socket unit is configured with Accept=false, meaning that the calls to the accept() system call are delegated to the process created by the Service unit.

I've got a few users who have QGIS installed on their desktop. I see QGIS also makes a server platform and was wondering if this can be utilized so people without QGIS can view the maps they create (this would only need to be for internal staff, nobody externally would be accessing).

Anyone know if that is the case and if you are using QGIS server? I'm also worried about the system requirements. QGIS doesn't seem to publish any because it seems they say it runs on just about anything and it would be harder to find what it doesn't run on. That's great, but I know my users have their desktops slow to a crawl when they are building these maps, and I'm worried out placing this on a shared virtual host.

It means it's not a server with a web GUI letting yo to view maps. You need a WMS/WFS compliant client to open maps, like QGIS itself or any other client. I don't suppose it's very useful for internal needs, if you can put shape files or project files on typical shares (I do so). But if you want to expose some of your maps on the internet, that's where it shows its usefulness.


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