The weekly snapshots of the nightly qgis-dev package of OSGeo4W are for usersthat cannot use OSGeo4W (see below) for some reason or just prefer standaloneinstallers. In the feature freeze phase that also acts as releasecandidate.

For Ubuntu we also used to have extra packages in a separate repository thatare based on ubuntugis, which held moreuptodate versions of other GIS packages than Ubuntu itself for LTS versions. Ifyou want those you also need to include ubuntugis-unstable ppa in your/etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.list file (see ubuntugis documentation).

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The release packages are only produced once shortly after a newversion has been released. As unstable, not yet released debian versions(testing) and ubuntugis-unstable can have library changes the packages might sooneror later be broken for these targets, when the development in debian, ubuntuor ubuntugis-unstable moves on and their packages used as dependencies in qgischange. In that event you can either

The package management system MacPorts offers both the latest releaseversion (port qgis3) and the long term version (port qgis3-ltr). This will install QGIS withnative architecture, Intel x86_64 or Apple ARM. Main software dependencies such as GDAL, PDAL andGRASS GIS are usually the latest version available.

Die wchentlichen Abzge des nchtlichen OSGeo4W-Pakets qgis-dev sind fr Anwender, die OSGeo4W (siehe unten) aus irgendeinem Grund nicht verwenden knnen oder Komplettinstallationen bevorzugen. In der Feature-Freeze-Phase sind sie auch Release-Kandidaten.

Die meisten Linux-Distributionen zerlegen QGIS in mehrere Pakete. Es werden wahrscheinlich qgis und python-qgis (fr Erweiterungen) bentigt. Pakete wie qgis-grass (oder qgis-plugin-grass), qgis-server knnen anfangs weggelassen werden und bei Bedarf installiert werden.

Fr Ubuntu hatten wir auch zustzliche Pakete in einem separaten Repositorium die auf ubuntugis basieren, das aktuellere Version anderer GIS-Pakete fr LTS-Versionen enthielt als Ubuntu selbst. Wenn diese Versionen gewnscht sind muss auch ubuntugis-unstable ppa in der Datei /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.list ergnzt werden (siehe ubuntugis-Dokumentation).

I made a function to realize the same operation as qgis:eliminateselectedpolygons. There is still some differences, I think it's related to the order of the polygons to merge. This function is optimizable but works for me.

The QGIS Flatpak installation will most likely not include the important scipy module. To fix this issue, open Terminal (standard Linux application) and type:

flatpak run --command=pip3 org.qgis.qgis install scipy --user

Alexandre Neto's blogAnita GraserFaunaliaInfo Geo BlogIreland QGIS User Group BlogItOpenLinfinitiLutra ConsultingMarcus SOC reportsMarkus NetelerNathans QGIS and GIS blogNatural GISNirvns QGIS blogsNorth blogQField releasesQGIS Dutch CommunityQGIS OslandiaQGIS Polska blogQGIS Project blogQGIS TipsQGIS articlesSourcepoleSpatial Galaxymaptiler.comnyalldawson.netrcarrillo.orgTags .net 13.04 2.0 2.10 2.12 2.18 2.2 2.4 2.4] 2.6 3.0 3.28 3d 3d tiles [] [atlas [dev [elly] [git qgis] [lang_it]programmazione[ [osgeo4w] [pyqgis [python] [qgis [qgis georabble] [qgis mapping] [qgis style] [qgis] [roam [user group addok addresse agenda agit agol ais algorithm analytics android qgis angus council animation animations annonce annotating web pages api] aprx arcgis arcgis] arcmap arrows articles in english astun atlas attribute australia automatically restart services autres award bag ban bano bgt bidiversity big data bioclim blacklist blending blog books borehole brk brt top10 gml buffer build builder 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interview investment irc irwi jasperreports javascript jeff mckenna jmeter job jquery jupyter kadaster kadastrale percelen kaggle kickstarter kleuren kleurenschema klic klic win kurse labeling labelling labels land registration landsat lang_en] lang_it][lang_en]programming[ language python las layers layout layouts laz leaflet licence license licensing lidar lines linux linux and ubuntu local gov local government logger logiciellibre london long term support loop lsci lst ltr lts lutra lutra consulting lyr lyrx map map composer map production map tools map-rendering mapbasic mapfish mapinfo mapinfo interop mapinfo ole mapinfo professional mapinfo programming mapinfo-11 mapping mapserver markers master material matrix mbtiles medaille medical data melbourne] merginmaps metaprogramming microsoft midterm mobile mobilitydb model modis modularity module modules modle conomique movement data movement data in gis moving forward movingpandas mrsid ms sql server ms sql server 2008 ms sql spatial mxd mysql nasa natural earth nautical chart neo4j network network analysis news newsfr nieuw qgis boek nieuwe versie qgis nominatim non class oauth2 off topic offre ogc ogd ogdtirol ogdwien ogr ogr2ogr ol3 open data open layers open source open source gis open street map open-source opendronemap opengis opengovermentdata openlayers openlayers gis openmodeller opensource openstreetmap opinion opmaak oracle ordnance survey orfeo organisaties osgeo osgeo-live osgeo4w osm osm2po oss otb others out of heap outlines own tags pandas panel paraview parcels partenariat partners pdal pdf pdok percelen personal pgrouting pgrouting layer photos plugin plugin builder plugin development plugin qgis plugin update plugins podcast point clouds points poll polygonize polygons polylines portal portugal portuguese postgis postgis manager postgis2 postgres postgres & postgis postgresql press release preview printing processing programming proj projecting projection projections public service announcement pureplayer pycharm pyprocessing pyqgis pyqgis3 pyqgis] pyqt pysal pyspark python python] pywps qdeeplandia qfield qfield courses qfield highlights qfieldcloud qgis qgis 1.7 qgis 2.4 qgis board qgis browser qgis cloud qgis community qgis documentation qgis enterprise qgis for mapinfo users qgis funding qgis gebruikrsgroep user group qgis grant programme qgis hackfest qgis mapserver qgis mobile qgis on the road qgis plugins qgis podcast qgis presentation qgis release announcements qgis server qgis user conference qgis-editing qgis-tips qgis-vs-mapinfo qgis3 qgis] qgisnl qml qt qt5 quantum gis queries qwc2 qwps r r-stats raster raster calculator raster maps rasters recrutement redcloth regex regexes release remote sensing report reporting reports rest restart-services reviews rgb ribon roadgraph rockstars routing rt sql layer ruby ruby on rails saga saturation sc-001 schulung scotland screencasts scripts scrum sdi select sem categoria serve server server side setting settings] sextante shape burst shapeburst shapely share shortest paths shrink ext3 online sig sita sld slides slideshare slyr smtp snapping social networking sites social responsibility software sol katz gfoss award solar sorting spark spatial analysis spatial data science spatial operations spatial query spatialiate spatialite spatio-temporal data sphinx sponsors spree sql sqlite stackexchange stamen state machines stirling structuring style styling support survey svg svn symbology symbols team techniques temperature terrain analysis textile thematic thematics thinkwhere three.js tiff tiles tim sutton time manager timemanager tinyows tips tips & patches tips und patches tips1 top10nl topografie topography topology topology analysis totalopenstation totorials tracking training trajectories translate treenode treepanel tuning tutorial twitter ubuntu ubuntugis umn unattended-upgrades uncategorised uncategorized user group user groups user interface user question of the month ux variables 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Mon Jan 1 16:40:24 2024


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