Code of Conduct

The essence of our code of conduct is: Always be respectful.

Our goal is to foster exchange and collaboration across quantum gravity approaches. Thus we wish to create an open atmosphere in which everyone is comfortable raising their voice to honestly and respectfully discuss. We have devised a code of conduct to facilitate such an atmosphere and we request all participants to acknowledge and abide by it.

Encouraged behavior:

  • In the interest of fostering discussion, we strongly encourage questions, helpful comments, constructive criticism, and more general tempered scientific criticism.

  • We expect misunderstandings to occur. Trying to identify and resolve potential misunderstandings, e.g. about interpretations and definitions in a different approach, is strongly encouraged.

  • We share a common goal of understanding quantum gravity -- we encourage participants to keep this shared goal in mind, and correspondingly to treat each other with courtesy, respect, and intellectual curiosity.

Prohibited behavior:

  • We will not tolerate any form of misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism, or other discriminatory behavior. Participants engaging in any of these behaviors will be warned and may be excluded from future seminars.

  • Disruptive or harassing behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, offensive images, photography or recording without permission, and stalking.

  • Repetitive and destructive criticism that does not raise additional scientific points -- that is, criticism that devolves into ad hominem attacks, insults, or otherwise hinders the development of a healthy discussion -- also qualifies as disruptive behavior.

  • Participation in the meeting is seen as accepting this code of conduct. Violations should be reported to the meeting organizers who will evaluate an appropriate response.

E-Meeting Etiquette:

  • We kindly ask participants to turn their camera on when asking questions if possible, to foster an interactive seminar atmosphere and allow the speakers to see and connect to their audience.

  • We ask all participants to please keep their microphone muted except when asking a question. The moderator/chair will mute your microphone if necessary.

  • If you have a question, please do not interrupt the speaker yourself; instead, please post your question in the chat or use the "Raise Hand" feature. The moderator/chair will monitor the raised hands and the chat and communicate your question.

  • If you are comfortable doing so, including pronouns in your Zoom name is a way to ensure that you are addressed correctly. The decision to share pronouns publicly is personal, and we encourage participants to decide for themselves whether they prefer stating their pronouns or not.


  • Talks will be recorded and published online.

  • Any unmuted audio and all questions posed during and after the talk will appear as part of the published recording.

If you have any further questions, suggestions, or complaints, please contact the organizers.