Lectures will be recorded when possible (with the speaker's consent).

Supplementary lecture by Matt von Hippel: renormalization, amplitudes, and motives


Lecture 10 (QED Part I) by Charlie Reid. Password: standard zoom password plus "#1", 8/20.

Lecture 9 (Spinors and Yukawa Theory) by Dmitry. Password: standard zoom password plus "#1", 8/13.

Lecture 8 (Superalgebra and intro to fermionic field theory) by Dmitry. Password: standard zoom password plus "#1", 8/06.

Note: Lecture got cut off at the end because of phone issues (no material was lost). We ended up deciding that the "extra bit" on Yukawa theory will happen later, as we still need a little more backgroung on spinors.

Supplementary lecture on matrix integrals and applications by Pavel Etingof Password: standard zoom password plus "#1", 7/31.

Lecture in two parts separated by 15-minute break. The first part (first 90 minutes or so) is self-contained.


Lecture 7 (Feynman diagrams from path integral perspective) by Kevin Sackel. Password: standard zoom password plus "#1", 7/30.

Lecture 5 part 2 and Lecture 6 (Intro to Feynman Diagrams by Jin-Cheng Guu). Password: standard zoom password plus "#1", 7/23.

Lecture 5 Part I (Free field theory and the mass shell hyperboloid), by Dmitry Tamarkin. Password: same as Lecture 1. (standard zoom password plus "#1"), 7/16

Lecture 4 (Passage from Lagrangian to Hamiltonian; path integrals, by Dmitry). Password: same as Lecture 1. (standard zoom password plus "#1"), 7/9

Supplementary lecture on Chern-Simons theory, by Alexander Kirillov (no recording yet), 7/3

Lecture 3 (Classical Field Theory III by Charlie Reid: Electromagnetism). Password: same as Lecture 1. (standard zoom password plus "#1"), 7/2

Notes from lecture.

Lecture 2 (Classical Field Theory II by Prof. Alexander Kirillov). Password: same as Lecture 1. (standard zoom password plus "#1"), 6/25

Notes from lecture.

Lecture 1 (Classical Field Theory I by Prof. Alexander Kirillov). Password: same as Lecture 1. (standard zoom password plus "#1"), 6/18

Notes from lecture.

Pre-course Lecture 4 (Zommed-out view of QFT). Recording. Password: same as Lecture 1. (standard zoom password plus "#1")

Notes. A nice exposition of (single-particle) Feynman integral formalism with examples is here.

Pre-course Lecture 3 (Harmonic Oscillator). Recording. Password: same as Lecture 1.

Pre-course Lecture 2 (Hamiltonian mechanics and Quantization). Recording. Password: same as Lecture 1.

Notes. For the point of view on quantization and dequantization I described in the talk see here. A more "high-level" version is given here. See also works by N. P. Landsman cited there.

Pre-course Lecture 1 (Quantum Mechanics). https://berkeley.zoom.us/rec/share/zpFFdLGt1ltJTafT9Ev9C6sAH6n3T6a80CIbqPYEnUv-F3X3vznjPl5zb7GQEzXO?startTime=1592251440000

PW = name#1 where "name" is replaced by the lowercase name of the inventor of quaternions (and also of one of the formulations of mechanics)

Notes. A more precise version of the thermodynamic interpretation of decoherence given in my lecture can be found here and in other works by Aharonov et al.

Lecture 0 (Intro):

The intro lecture was not recorded. Here are the key points:

  1. We are planning to learn physics "from a physicist's perspective", i.e. enough to do scattering calculations in quantum electro-dynamics. (For example: you collide an electron and a positron in a collider. What comes out, with what probability? Answer: can be computed to high precision as a series involving graph integrals, i.e. "Feynman diagrams")

  2. There will be 2 or 3 meetings per week. Generic plan is:

    • One talk, on a Thursday, with the goal of presenting the week's reading. Goal: instead of regurgitating, try to construct a "dictionary" with appropriate mathematical (geometric or algebraic) objects, where relevant.

    • One meeting, the following Tuesday, where we meet and do homework. If you get the chance, try to come in with one problem (or a couple) done so you can present it/give hints.

    • One "topics" meeting some weeks, where someone gives an out-of-sequence lecture relating the physical material to a mathematical question (e.g.: P. Etingof wil give a talk on Feynman diagrams and the Euler characteristic of Deligne-Mumford spaces in about a month).

  3. The first couple of weeks are a little different (see calendar).

  4. The textbook from the video is incorrect: we are using Tong's QFT notes as our main source (see readings and homeworks for list)

  5. Once again, there was no physics material today: that is starting next week. Thanks to everyone who came in!

Link to Google folder with lecture version (see above for corrections)