Quantum Fields & Gravity Group
Quantum Fields & Gravity Group
We are currently refurbishing our web site.
We are currently refurbishing our web site.
Expect inaccuracies during the next few days.
Expect inaccuracies during the next few days.
About the group
About the group
Welcome to our webpage.
Our group has two nodes: one in Granada and another one in Madrid.
The Granada node is based in Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC and in Department of Theoretical Physics and of the Cosmos, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada.
The Madrid node is part of the Complutense research group "Effective Theories in Modern Physics", which is affiliated to the Department of Theoretical Physics and IPARCOS, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Our research interests lie in the interface between quantum theory and gravity, encompassing quantum field theory in curved spacetimes, as well as aspects of quantum and emergent gravity.