Organizing Team


Alexey Galda

Dr. Alexey Galda is the Associate Scientific Director of Quantum Algorithms and Applications at Moderna. His research involves the development of quantum computing algorithms with a focus on the applications in drug discovery and drug design. Alexey’s expertise in quantum computing includes quantum optimization algorithms, pulse-level control of NISQ hardware, work on experimental implementations of ternary quantum computation, and development of tensor-network simulators of quantum circuits.

Elica Kyoseva

Dr. Elica Kyoseva is the Director of Quantum Algorithm Engineering at NVIDIA. In this capacity, she leads a team that works closely with leaders in the Quantum Computing industry developing innovative applications that use the NVIDIA platform. Her goal is the development of quantum-classical application codes that build upon world-class NVIDIA multi-GPU architectures. Elica’s expertise is in quantum computing use cases for health applications.

Gavin Jones

Dr. Gavin Jones is a Senior Research Scientist and the Manager of the Quantum Applications group at IBM Research - Almaden. He is a quantum chemist by training with interests in performing quantum chemistry with quantum computers, catalysis, molecular properties, the formation of functional advanced materials and polymer degradation.

Christoph Gorgulla
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Dr. Christoph Gorgulla holds a BSc in Molecular Biology with Bioinformatics, followed by BSc and MSc degrees in Mathematics with a focus on quantum physics. His scientifically diverse background allows him to bridge the worlds of theory, implementation, and application. His goal is to help bring the power of quantum chemistry, quantum computing, machine learning, and high-performance computing to drug development.