About Us

In sports medicine, doctors treat injuries that occur in athletic activities. This includes injuries caused by overuse or repetitive motion. Examples of such injuries include tennis elbow, runner's knee, and shin splints. These types of injuries typically cause pain when playing, as well as swelling and tenderness that lasts even when the person is resting. The goal of sports medicine is to prevent such injuries and to help athletes return to the game as quickly and easily as possible.

Lowell Sports Medicine provider can provide a personalized exercise program to help athletes achieve peak performance. These providers will take the athlete's anatomical weaknesses and strengths into consideration to recommend an appropriate training routine. They can also help identify areas where an athlete can improve. With this information, an athlete will know how to improve performance and avoid injuries.

A sports medicine physician can provide pain relief for acute and chronic conditions. Treatments can involve medications or injections. Depending on the nature of the pain, treatment may include nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections, joint injections, trigger point injections, and viscosupplementation. A sports medicine physician can also develop a rehabilitation program that can improve flexibility and mobility.

Sports medicine is a specialty that includes medical doctors, and surgeons. Because of its wide range of specialties, this field does not have a single specialty. Its mission is to improve the health of athletes and keep them on the field for a long time. Whether an athlete is an amateur or professional, understanding the basics of sports medicine is a crucial step toward a long and successful career.

QC Kinetix (Lowell)

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