Quantum & Biomedical Optics Lab
Introducing QBOL
PI : Kijoon Lee, PhD
We aim to study quantum nature of optical phenomena and apply its principle on the biomedical optics.
Quantum optics is fascinating by itself, as it manifests that the way nature works is not what our common sense tells us. For example, violation of Bell's inequality can be proven by undergraduate-level optical experiment using an entangled photon pair generated by SPDC (Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion) process in BBO crystal. In our lab, we will contemplate on what it exactly means that either 'locality' or 'reality' should break down, and devise better experiments to push the limit of our understanding of quantum optics.
In terms of Biomedical Optics, we have expertise on non-invasive detection and imaging of hemodynamic variables such as THC (total hemoglobin concentration), StO2 (oxygen saturation of tissue), and blood flow, by using near infrared light. The optical modality for above purposes include DOT (diffuse optical tomography), DCS (diffuse correlation spectroscopy), and DSCA (diffuse speckle contrast analysis). We intend to exploit every aspect of light (wavelength, coherence, and polarization) in order to obtain hemodynamic variables.
The final goal will be to make use of the quantum nature of light in biomedical fields. Although quantum optics and biomedical optics seem to be very distant from each other, we see lots of possibility in linking those two. As DGIST is one of the very few institute in Korea which fosters trans-disciplinary studies, whoever with curious minds will be able to accomplish a lot once he/she joins us.
We are actively hiring now. If you are interested in PostDoc positions, please send your CV to kjlee@dgist.ac.kr
Mar 9, 2024 - 2023 UGRP team (전해원, 이하임, 송현주, 이화정) has presented their research on music similarity measurement at KSMPC at Sogang University.
Jan 12, 2024 - 2023 UGRP team (전해원, 이하임, 송현주, 이화정) has won a UGRP award (장려상) from DGIST. Congratulations~
Oct 31, 2023 - Four undergraduate researchers (강광휘, 김준호, 이태성, 정해익) were awarded an Outstanding Poster Award at 2023 Student Conference at EECS, DGIST. Congratulations to all~
Oct 26, 2023 - Two posters were presented at KPS Fall Meeting at Chang-Won Convention Center : (1) 양자 상태 단층 촬영을 통한 두-입자 계의 분석 - LIM Jaemin, KIM Zion, SHIN Hyon, KIM Junho, KIM Chanwoo, PARK Jae Yoon, LEE Kijoon, GHIM Zae-young, (2) NIR 대역 PPG, BFI 신호 기반 비침습적 혈중 글루코스 농도 예측 모델 개발 - LEE Kijoon, KIM Junho, KANG Gwanghwi, CHUNG HaeIk, RHEE Taeseong, PARK Jae Yoon
Oct 2, 2023 - First paper by Jae Yoon Park has been accepted by Biomedical Optics Express. Congratulations~
Sep 7, 2023 - QBOL Dinner Party at Biseul Village. All attended and had a good time.
Aug 24-25, 2023 - Workshop on Acupuncture Treatment by ICT Convergence Research at Pukyong National University
Aug 22, 2023 - 2023 Summer Student Networking Conference (광학 교류회) at 창의융합마루
Aug 11, 2023 - Attended The 14th Applied Physics Symposium at Gyeongju. Jae Yoon Park has been awarded an Outstanding Poster Award. Congratulations~