Comprehensive Handbook on Using the Intuit Web Connector

Do you want to know how to use the Intuit Web Connector properly? This blog is a perfect place to learn about it. A web connector lets you set up and manage all your connected apps. These connected apps will display the application you have set up with the QuickBooks software. Setting up and using the Intuit Web Connector is lengthy, so you must be extra careful. 

The length of the process might make you feel overwhelmed or perplexed. For this reason, we have also made professional aid available just for you; this aid is only a call away. Call +1.833.802.0002 now!

Setting up and running the Intuit Web Connector

A QuickBooks Application with Revoked Certificate error occurs while syncing or opening your file because a Symantec Root Certificate was revoked, making some certificates appear invalid. So follow the steps to use the Intuit Web Connector only in the given chronology. 

Step 1: Setting up QuickBooks Web Connector

Here are the steps to set up Web Connector:

Step 2: Setup Web Connector

Add an app

If the .qwc file is from a third-party web application, then you can also connect it to the QuickBooks app.

You must note here that you must log in to QB as Admin and log in to your Intuit Account.

Manage an app

Note: Again, log in to QB as admin and log in to your Intuit account.

Transfer the app to your device

An application for the same firm file can be moved to a different computer. After you move the app, the connection from your other machine is cut off. Verify if you have installed the most recent version of QuickBooks Desktop.

The blog elaborately lays out all the steps to help readers with using the Intuit Web Connector. While following the steps above, if you feel any confusion or difficulty, call +1.833.802.0002 and ask freely for advice from the QuickBooks experienced team of professionals. 

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