The practicality of running QuickBooks on Virtual Machine

Virtualization has evolved rapidly in the recent years. In case you are wondering what this term means. It allows the creation of a computer within your primary computer. The technology is yet to be discovered in certain field such as QuickBooks on Virtual Machine. Officially, Intuit hasn’t supported the QuickBooks on Virtual machine such as VM likes VMware, VirtualBox, Xen or Microsoft Virtual Server. Talking about the biggest concern of QuickBooks Online is that the user is not provided with the option of local or online backup. They have to carry on the exporting process manually or use a third party-application for the same.

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The success of running QuickBooks on Virtual machine is a tricky task but real world experiences have shown multiple benefits which we shall discuss later. But, before that let us talk about the steps to run QuickBooks on Virtual Machine. Once through this article you can move ahead talking to QuickBooks Hosting team

Steps to Run QuickBooks on Virtual Machine

The steps to install and run QuickBooks on Virtual Machine is similar to that of installing windows on the computer.

  • Install QuickBooks to the host operating system where it has been running.

  • Create image of the system and set it as the virtual machine.

  • The process though feasible fill require technical support to run QuickBooks on VM successfully.

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Perks of Choosing QuickBooks Enterprise on VM

We aren’t just listing down the benefits of QuickBooks Enterprise on VM, but there have been cases where real world experiences indicate that QuickBooks Enterprise (and other editions) run fine in a virtual machine as long as it has enough resources, Intuit does not officially support such a deployment.

  • Accountants many a times need to work with businesses belonging to different countries. Rooting from this, different QuickBooks versions based on countries have to be installed. Handling all the applications are eased out by managing the versions separately.

  • Multiple softwares won’t slow down the windows when running QuickBooks on Virtual Machine and tasks can be done at much quick pace.

  • Virtual machines do not lay down barrier on software compatibility with the system.

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QuickBooks on Virtual Machine hasn’t been made official by Intuit but, it does not imply that it is not feasible.