There are several places on the internet where you can get a copy of qbasic. Usually the file is called "". Using a search engine like Google and searching for "" usually does a good job. If you end up looking for qbasic this way, be sure to get the "version 1.1 interpreter". That is the version of qbasic I used to write this book. It is the most easy to use, and least complicated. Once you are used to 1.1, you can try and find 4.5 which has some very nice features.

If you are an elementary school teacher interested in teaching programming or software development (aka software engineering) to kids, I'd suggest starting with Logo at the third or fourth grade level (8 or 9 years old). Then move to QBASIC for fourth, fifth, sixth, etc... (10 years old and up). Having to teach a large number of students always presents a challenge as they will each have different abilities. Computer programming fits in perfectly with a math curriculum since it helps the students become more aware of numbers and how they "work". Because of learning to program in BASIC, I understood trigonometry by seventh grade. I had to, because the kinds of programs I was writing required that I understand trig, and apply it. What could be a better motivation for learning? Beyond sixth grade, I suspect one could introduce Visual BASIC, and continue on up through Java/C# and into C/C++ at the High School level. If anyone has any experience teaching programming at the elementary or middle school level, let me know what works for you, and I'll add it here.

Qbasic For Kids Free Download

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At age 11, I learned from a book very similar in style to this one. It was the TRS-80 User's Manual and it came with my first Personal Computer, the Radio Shack TRS-80. I haven't stopped programming since then. I hope this book has the same effect on your kids (or maybe even you). Please email me with any comments or suggestions to improve this book. My email address:

I teach middle school kids to code in an after-school robotics and computer science club. This year I switched to teaching the kids Python and it worked exceptionally well! Python is a modern, yet simple language. With add-ons such as pygame kids can easily write simple games with only a small amount of code.

There is a website,, that offers puzzles and AI challenges related to game type puzzles and problems. I stumbled on it the other day and have lots of fun clearing out all the easy puzzles and many of the medium ones. I programmed QBasic and GWBasic as a kid, but am not a programmer, and I found these exercises fun and they really made me think. I am sure for real programmers, these might be childs play, but I would definitely recommend showing this to any kids or young adults interested in coding. Some people even get hired by companies like Nintendo for solving their challenges. Where was this when I was a kid?

I agree that QBasic is very easy to pick up. I would also like to direct your attention to the Kano implementation of the Raspberry Pi. This is very directed at that age group and allows kids to understand what makes up a computer and then what it does and even has a programming environment for that age with Minecraft and Python (the snake) games to play and modify.

Cool! I am also for teaching kids BASIC. You could also try emulators for some of the 8bit computers which all have BASIC. I can recommend Amstrad CPC and MSX, very nice command set, its pretty easy to draw and make simple games!

Your post was very inspiring to me as I was at the exact same step in my quest for the perfect IDE/language for kids, and it convinced me that QBasic was an excellent choice. In case someone is interested, I wrote a short tutorial to the install of QBasic+DOSBox on a Raspberry Pi :


Great post, thanks very much. Brought back memories of a friend of mine showing me how to code in qbasic when we were kids. I am coming to programming relatively late again now and really enjoying it. Coming from a sysadmin background in a Windows shop, powershell got me into it and now I am learning C#. Definitely want to teach my kids programming too even just to get them into logical thinking.

I dont program much.. but in HD i studied from this book and cross trained into C++ using projects from here. This book hasnt changed but has a universal quality.. it sums up the basic of qbasic and can be learned in a semester if not two. For rudimentary concepts its so nice and easy. If there was any hint of any programming knowledge i owe it to qbasic and learned sorting programs. i did my calculus on qbasic as a challenge. Qbasic gets so much flak.. I was happy to stumble on your article with opinion I strongly agree with. I wish everyone would agree qbasic is the best to start kids off. Any knowledge learned will NOT stop anyone from further education (ie C++ or puthon). We all have to master one language anyways. I am getting back to programming as a hobbyist but getting into python. But i will be sure to parallel my education with qbasic and reinforce the concepts. Thanks for this article!!

My daughter isn't yet two and is unlikely to code anytime soon, but I've been thinking about whether it was even possible these days to introduce programming similarly in the back of my mind. Others have had the same thoughts and decided to actually teach their kids to code using QuickBasic. I gave some thought but quickly had to admit how much some of QBasic's idioms, such as GOTO statements, set me back when I did graduate to more advanced programming languages. Python, I felt, would be a much better language to learn to code with initially. I spent some time to look and see if anyone had built anything as intuitive and straightforward as QBasic, but using Python - but I couldn't find anything. So, I decided to give a go at making such a programming environment myself, and QuickPython was born:


Secrete of life: If Husband = Happy then Wife = Unhappy. If Wife = Happy then Husband = Unhappy. If Parents = Happy then Kids = Unhappy. If Kids = Happy then Parents = Unhappy. RE: CGI executables in QBasic blurred (Programmer)6 Aug 00 05:22the code should work fine (remove the second PRINT statement, or use 'PRINT "


You gotta compile to .EXE in order to make it work or maybe it won't work ? dunno, never try it before.

Use QuickBASIC or some other BASIC compiler to compile it.

 RE: CGI executables in QBasic Javin (Programmer)(OP)7 Aug 00 10:08See, that's just it. I have another .EXE file that does the EXACT same thing, gives you the exact same output when run, and it works. So I wrote the QBasic program to mimic it, and compiled it into an .EXE, yet the server kicks an error when it's run. 

Is there maybe a different method that the information is actually being put out? I'm going to be dealing with sensitive information, so I don't want to use a perl or VB script. I need to have something that's going to be fairly safe. Any scripts can be downloaded from the server, picked apart, and then they'll know the structure of the data on your server.


 RE: CGI executables in QBasic Karl Blessing (Programmer)7 Aug 00 10:12I think it's probally need to be a specific type of exe. for example if I am correct in Qbasic you are mimicing to the console, where to a CGI you arnt directly communicating with a USer, more rather I belive you grab the input from the user then process it, but QBasic may be expecting a Dos Console. Not a Server. Some Languages just might not be adapt to be used in CGI. Karl


Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

 =629151 RE: CGI executables in QBasic Javin (Programmer)(OP)7 Aug 00 10:50Yeah, that's precisely what I'm afraid of. I know it can be done, because I've SEEN people make CGI EXEs in QBasic, but I've never seen the code. I'm afraid it's going to turn out to be some massively complex method of outputting the data by writing it out to a specific port or something.

-Javin RE: CGI executables in QBasic Karl Blessing (Programmer)7 Aug 00 12:52that or they had some special library made for QB45, to allow you to create the exe more easily, for example, until someone made that Graphical lib in ASM(Assembly) Qbasic graphics always been extremely slow. Karl


Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

 =629151 RE: CGI executables in QBasic Guest (visitor)13 Oct 00 03:06kb244 is right. QB writes to the CON device during a print routine, that's why it can't form flat binaries. CGI's in perl and C always write to STDOUT, which the web server can read. QB can probably do it, but it'll probably be easier to learn perl. You'll find that perl's structure is very close to BASIC, since they are both interpreted. RE: CGI executables in QBasic eliuker (Programmer)16 Oct 00 20:45I was reading this thread and then sat down and pondered 

about how to do cgi in qbasic and this link is the place 

that tells you how to do it: RE: CGI executables in QBasic Alt255 (Programmer)17 Oct 00 06:15Excellent link, eliuker! I know a few guys who have been banging their heads trying to find a way to do this. I'll pass it on.



A plain black box

"I sure hope I'm retired when it comes time to fix all the the Year-2000 problems in our systems!"

Edward Yourdon, Time Bomb 2000 RE: CGI executables in QBasic Javin (Programmer)(OP)20 Oct 00 10:37Eliuker-

You are a GOD. That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a bunch!

-Javin Javin

Javin Inc.

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? RE: CGI executables in QBasic Javin (Programmer)(OP)23 Oct 00 10:23Okay, new problem. I thorougly read through (even printed out) the link you gave me. Unfortunately, it's talking specifically about DOS CGI. DOS CGI isn't supported by my host, (nor is Perl, for some bizarre reason) so that's still a no-go. Here's what I'm trying to do:



PRINT "Content-Type: text/html"


PRINT "This is a test."



PRINT "This is a test."

PRINT "Your input was as follows:"



Still, even when given the proper permissions, it doesn't work.



Javin Inc.

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? RE: CGI executables in QBasic eliuker (Programmer)24 Oct 00 19:08hmmmm as i say if your server dont got it make your own!

 has a server that will run on win95/98

did I also mention its VERY easy to use. 

Have a nice day. RE: CGI executables in QBasic eliuker (Programmer)26 Oct 00 21:36Ahh Javin I see why your program still dosent work.

although your program can get info from the server the server cant getinfo you send to it because you must send the print statements to the output_file. try this code (I havent yet).



outfile$ = ENVIRON$("OUTPUT_FILE")

open outfile$ for output as #1

PRINT #1,"Content-Type: text/html"

PRINT #1,""

PRINT #1,"This is a test."

PRINT #1,""

PRINT #1,""

PRINT #1,"This is a test."

PRINT #1,"Your input was as follows:"

PRINT #1,InStr$

PRINT #1,""

close #1

You were just printing but as the docs say you have to print to the output_file other wise its pretty pointless huh? 

 RE: CGI executables in QBasic Talonis (Programmer)24 Sep 04 14:52Javin,

 I'm just getting started in this cgi-bin thing and have alot of QuickBasic 4.5 background. This thread set was interesting and I'm wondering if you now have it down pat.

 Can a compiled QB .exe file be used successfully as CGI? If so, what are the basic "need-to-knows"?

thanks RE: CGI executables in QBasic tsh73 (Programmer)29 Sep 04 07:281) did you follow a link?

Get thing about "DOS-CGI" part (server must support it)

2) output in binary form, so you can output generated JPG/GIF. If QBAsic can't do that - you'll end up with text output only

3) last thing. This is not exact quote; I cannot recall the author just now, but it can make you wonder.

"I played with CGI in VB for a month... then I get into Perl and easily recreated in 3 days all I got in VB in a month".

 RE: CGI executables in QBasic dilettante (MIS)3 Oct 04 01:13Yes, you need a server that supports "DOS CGI" which is a sort of a kludge like the old "Win CGI" that was used to support VB 3 for writing CGIs.

I've written lots of CGIs in VB 6. These work fine with more generic servers like IIS or SimpleServer:WWW (AnalogX). There are some hoops to jump through there too, but they aren't as insurmountable as writing a true QB CGI seems to be. To expedite this I wrote a VB 6 program that takes very ASP-like syntax and generates and compiles a VB 6 CGI EXE.

That doesn't help here though. Sorry Javin. RE: CGI executables in QBasic dilettante (MIS)15 Jan 05 16:56I found the problem and developed a hack around it (actually just an implementation of Microsoft's fix for the trouble).

I posted it over at QBasic/QuickBasic News in the forums (see Programming Help: Projects there). I figured there were more QB developers on that site who might steal some of the ideas and benefit from them.

The actual problem: Windows has a problem with StdIO redirection to a 16-bit console application, described as a "hung pipe."

The (or one) fix: a 32-bit console application "stub" that fires up the 16-bit QB EXE in the same console after redirecting the new process' StdIO streams to its own. There are stubs for this sort of thing around written in C and Delphi. I did one in VB6. RE: CGI executables in QBasic dilettante (MIS)15 Jan 05 17:08More info on the issue:

Capturing the Output of a shelled program

Universal Console Redirector

The original MS article seems to be long gone, probably because it was considered a Win95 issue: Q150956 - INFO: Redirection Issues on Windows 95 MS-DOS Applications. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1406030581151-2'); }); Red Flag This PostPlease let us know here why this post is inappropriate. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework.

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