[6054b] al-Qurtubee [author of al-Mufhim]

He was al-Imaam al-‘Allaamah (the leading well-versed scholar):

Abul-‘Abbaas Ahmad ibn ‘Umar ibn Ibraaheem ibn ‘Umar al-Ansaaree al-Qurtubee{1} al-Maalikee, al-muhaddith (the scholar of hadeeth).

He was well known as ibn al-Muzayyin. He settled in al-Iskandariyyah (Alexandria) later in life.

He authored the book al-Mufhim fee Sharh Muslim, and he summarized each of the Two Saheeh collections [i.e. al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]. He was outstanding in the fields of Fiqh and Arabic linguistics, and he was a knowledgeable scholar of hadeeth.

He was born in 578 [approx. 1182 common era] in Qurtubah… He passed away…14 Thul-Qa‘dah 656h [approx. 1258 common era], and he had been a scribe of official documents, as well as a teacher in al-Marzooqiyyah.


{1} Ascription to Qurtubah (Córdoba or Cordova) in Spain.

References: Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa' 17/97 at-Tawfeeqiyyah.

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