[6054a] al-Qurtubee [author of al-Jaami‘ li-Ahkaam al-Qur’aan]

He was al-Imaam al-‘Allaamah (the leading well-versed scholar) al-Mufassir (the renowned scholar of explaining the Qur’aan’s meanings), author of various works:

Aboo ‘Abdillaah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abee Bakr ibn Faraj al-Ansaaree al-Qurtubee{1} al-Maalikee.

He settled in Minyah Banee Khusayb{2}, part of the lands of Misr (Egypt), later in life. He worked on a large tafseer (explanation of the Qur’aan’s meanings) which he exerted himself to produce and he filled it with all kinds of unique things. He also authored al-Asnaa fil-Asmaa’ al-Husnaa (an explanation of the meanings of Allaah’s Names). He was endowed with deep understanding…

He heard hadeeth from ibn Rawaah, ibn al-Jummayzee, Abul-‘Abbaas ibn al-Muzayyin, as well as a number of others; and he was one of the vessels containing much knowledge. May Allaah have mercy upon him.{3}


{1} Ascription to Qurtubah (Córdoba or Cordova) in Spain.

{2} At the current time (15th Hijree century / 21st common era century), there is a Governorate called Minya in Egypt, and the location mentioned here may fall within the same geographical area.

{3} Other biographical sources mention that he passed away in 671h (1273 common era). See al-A‘laam 5/322.

References: Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa' 17/97 at-Tawfeeqiyyah.

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