[2730] az-Zajjaaj

He was al-imaam (a leading scholar), the nahwee (authority on Arabic linguistics) of his era: Aboo Is-haaq Ibraaheem ibn Muhammad ibn as-Saree{1}, az-Zajjaaj al-Baghdaadee.

He authored the book Ma‘aanee al-Qur’aan as well as many other works. He closely accompanied al-Mubarrid to learn from him. He used to give al-Mubarrid a dirham each day out of his earnings from glasswork (zujaaj), and al-Mubarrid looked out for the best interests of az-Zajjaaj and taught him. Az-Zajjaaj educated al-Qaasim ibn ‘Ubaydillaah al-Wazeer, and that was the cause of his wealth. Az-Zajjaaj was also among the close associates of the Khaleefah known as al-Mu‘tadid. Az-Zajjaaz passed away in 311h; though some have said it was on 19 Jumaadaa al-Aakhirah 310h…and some have said he passed away in 316h. Aboo ‘Alee al-Faarisee and numerous others learned Arabic linguistics from him.


{1} Other references mention his name as Ibraaheem ibn as-Saree ibn Sahl.

References: Siyar A'laam an-Nubalaa', no. 2730 (at-Tawfeeqiyyah).

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