Research and Writings


My research is in algebraic geometry. My interests concern enumerative invariants arising from intersection theory on moduli spaces. More specifically, most of my research focuses on (logarithmic) Gromov-Witten invariants, as well as quasimap theory.


Talk notes

Here are some notes, written by Parth Shimpi, based on a mini-course I gave in the UKAG Network Winter School (Warwick) on the Enumerative Geometry of (log) K3 Surfaces.

Here are some notes I wrote when giving a talk about excess intersections in the Imperial junior geometry seminar. 

Here are some notes I wrote when giving a talk about moduli spaces in the Imperial junior geometry seminar.


In Spring 2019 I completed a mini-project together with Wendelin Lutz on Gromov-Witten Theory. This was a great reference. 

In Spring 2019 I completed a mini-project together with Federico Bongiorno and Liam Stigant about equivalences of derived categories under flops following this article.