[2024 July ] - [2024 September] 

[Q2XAFS2024 on line]

World wide and real time

 6:00 San Francisco 

 9:00 New York   

10:00 Sao Paulo 

14:00 London 

15:00 Paris, Rome, Berlin, Malmo, Krakow 

16:00 Kiev and Moskow  

18:30 Delhi 

20:00 Bangkok 

21:00 Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore and Taipei 

22:00 Seoul and Tokyo 

23:00 Melbourne 


A series of worldwide online symposiums for the XAFS standards and criteria

The Q2XAFS, Quality and Quantity for XAS, is a conference/workshop series in which expert users and world leaders in X-ray spectroscopy are invited to present overviews of latest developments and discuss collaborative effort in response to rising opportunities/challenges in the field. The latest iteration of Q2XAFS was run at Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO, as a satellite of the IUCr Congress 2023 in Melbourne, Australia.  We started 4 working groups to recommend XAFS standards and criteria at the International XAFS Conference in 2025 in Chicago USA.  On this occasion, we plan to have Q2XAFS 2024 to have the intermediate reports of the working groups.  

2.July 26 Friday:  

Database, Metadata, and Data Format

Chair Simon BareSpeaker Matthew Newville

3.August 9 Friday:  

Beam Damage  

Chair Hitoshi AbeSpeaker Arun S.Asundi 

to be Continued

Scan type 

Tender X-ray


Organized by IXAS and CXAFS of IUCrContact:  Kiyotaka Asakura IXAS Chairkytkaskr@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp