Q-ION Immune Defense

Q-ION Immune Defense In a time when even a sniffle is enough to make bystanders nervous, health and wellness need to be taken seriously. The CDC has already issued many statements regarding the best ways to protect the body from illness in these difficult times, like the use of hand-sanitizing practices and wearing a mask while in public settings. However, the part of the body that truly has to do the work during illness is the immune system.

Immunity 911 offers a variety of different ingredients as a way to promote healthy cell growth and improve the immune system’s response to illness. As others sneeze and cough, every person gets put at risk for becoming ill, but the immune system releases antibodies to fight it. The immune system doesn’t have the same capability as the body ages, and offering a defense like Immunity 911 can keep users healthy at any age (though this formula is particularly helpful for individuals that are age 60 and up.