Mixing pip install and conda install is not to recommend, although sometimes unavoidable. What has happened in your case is not related to this conflict, though. In this case, the wrong pip was invoked when installing the package, so it was installed for a different python interpreter than the one you're using to run the notebook. You can have several python versions installed globally, both python(2) and python3. Furthermore, you may have even more versions of python in virtual environments, so you need to pay attention to which version you want to install a package for.

Sometimes the documentation doesn't match exactly the version of the code you're running. Sometimes demo programs haven't been updated to match a change made to the SDK. Things don't happen simultaneously generally speaking. So, it may very well be that you find an error or inconsistency or something no longer works with the latest version of an external library.

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Be aware that Macs default to using ttk buttons. You can override this setting at the Window and Button levels. If you installed Python from python.org, then it's likely you can use the non-ttk buttons should you wish.

Be sure and run your program outside of your IDE first. Start your program from the shell using python or python3 command. On numerous occasions much time was spent chasing problems caused by the IDE. By running from a command line, you take that whole question out of the problem, an important step.

So many posts on Reddit asking which GUI is going to result in a "beautiful window", as if there's a magic GUI library that pretties things up for you. There are some calls in PySimpleGUI that will help you. For example, you can make a single call to "Change the Theme" which loads predefined color pallets so your windows will instantly have colors that match.

With a simple GUI, it becomes practical to "associate" .py files with the python interpreter on Windows. Double click a py file and up pops a GUI window, a more pleasant experience than opening a dos Window and typing a command line.

This has not caused any problems and few complaints, but it's important the the interfaces into PySimpleGUI be compliant. Perhaps one of the reasons for lack of complaints is that the Qt library also uses SnakeCase for its methods. This practice has the effect of labelling a package as being "not Pythonic" and also suggests that this package was originally used in another language and then ported to Python. This is exactly the situation with Qt. It was written for C++ and the interfaces continue to use C++ conventions.

You can think of a "key" as a "name" for an element. Or an "identifier". It's a way for you to identify and talk about an element with the PySimpleGUI library. It's the exact same kind of key as a dictionary key. They must be unique to a window.

Tooltips are text boxes that popup next to an element if you hold your mouse over the top of it. If you want to be extra kind to your window's user, then you can create tooltips for them by setting the parameter tooltip to some text string. You will need to supply your own line breaks / text wrapping. If you don't want to manually add them, then take a look at the standard library package textwrap.

Throughout my experience with software development, I have come to appreciate the accessibility and ease-of-use that Autohotkey provides, especially for mid to low-level use cases. However, for newcomer to the python programming language, I have found that the Qt framework can be quite intimidating to approach. While not impossible to learn, it can present a steep learning curve for beginners.

wxPython is a wrapper for the wxWidgets C++ library, which is used to create native-looking GUI applications. Like PyQt, wxPython is powerful and flexible, but it can be more challenging to use than PySimpleGUI.

You should now do these 2 operations on that shortcut1. Rename it something that looks like any other program2. Choose an icon for your shortcut. On windows, this needs to be a .ICO file3. Set a specific program that opens it (your pythonw.exe file)

Because I wanted the 3.9 version of Python to open this specific program, I added pythonw.exe part to the target field in the properties. After the pythonw.exe add your full path to your .pyw file. If there are any spaces, put "" around it. It should look something like this:

Printing to the console becomes a problem however when you launch using pythonw on Windows or if you launch your program in some other way that doesn't have a console. With PySimpleGUI you have many options available to you so fear not.

PySimpleGUI can help you with running long operations as threads without you needing to learn the threading library. The Window method perform_long_operation makes this serious GUI problem a non-issue.

If you would like your python program to run without showing a console window, then you can name your file with a .pyw extension and open the file using pythonw instead of python. This is the preferred way to launch a final version of a PySimpleGUI program as there is no need for a Console window and it will be a much more "Windows-like" experience.

Pyforms-GUI is a software layer that forms part of the Pyforms main library, which also includes PyForms-Web, and PyForms-Terminal. Pyforms is the Python implementation of Windows Forms, which lets you develop interactive interfaces for Windows GUI mode, Web mode, and Terminal mode.


Kivy is a cross-platform, open source Python library (based on Python and Cython) designed for rapid development of apps with complex UIs, like multi-touch apps. Kivy runs on Linux, Windows, OS X, Android, iOS, and Raspberry Pi, and you can run the same code on all these platforms.

wxPython is a cross-platform GUI toolkit you can use to create robust, functional GUIs in a simple and easy manner. The implementation is a set of Python extension modules that wrap the GUI components of the wxWidgets cross-platform library, which is written in C++.

To create graphical user interfaces with Python, you need a GUI library. Unfortunately, at this point thingsget pretty confusing -- there are many different GUI libraries available for Python, all with different capabilities and licensing.Which Python GUI library should you use for your project?

In this article, we will look at a selection of the most popular Python GUI frameworks currently available and why youshould consider using them for your own projects. You'll learn about the relative strengths of each library, understand thelicensing limitations and see a simple Hello, World! application written in each. By the end of the article you shouldfeel confident choosing the right library for your project.

Tkinter is a simple library with support for standard layouts and widgets, as well as more complex widgets such as tabbed views & progressbars. Tkinter is a pure GUI library, not a framework. There is no built-in support for GUIs driven from data sources, databases, or for displaying or manipulating multimedia or hardware. However, if you need to make something simple that doesn't require any additional dependencies, Tkinter may be what you are looking for. Tkinter is cross-platform however the widgets can look outdated, particularly on Windows.

Qt (and by extension PyQt & PySide) is not just a GUI library, but a complete application development framework. In addition to standard UI elements, such as widgets and layouts, Qt provides MVC-like data-driven views (spreadsheets, tables), database interfaces & models, graph plotting, vector graphics visualization, multimedia playback, sound effects & playlists and built-in interfaces for hardware such as printing. The Qt signals and slots models allows large applications to be built from re-usable and isolated components.

Before the Qt Company (under Nokia) released the officially supported PySide library in 2009, Riverbank Computing had released PyQt in 1998. The main difference between these two libraries is in licensing. The free-to-use version of PyQt is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) v3 but PySide is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This means that PyQt is limited GPL-licensed applications unless you purchase its commercial version, while PySide may be used in non-GPL applications without any additional fee. However, note that both these libraries are separate from Qt itself which also has a free-to-use, open source version and a paid, commercial version.

WxPython is a wrapper for the popular, cross-platform GUI toolkit called WxWidgets. It is implemented as a set of Python extension modulesthat wrap the GUI components of the popular wxWidgets cross platform library, which is written in C++.

PyGObject is developed and maintained under the GNOME Foundation, who is also responsible for the GNOME desktop environment. PyGObject replaces several separate Python modules, including PyGTK, GIO and python-gnome, which were previously required to create a full GNOME/GTK application. Its initial release was in 2006 and it is licensed under an older version of LGPL (v2.1). While there are some differences with the current version of LGPL (v3), the license still allows its use in proprietary applications but requires any modification to the library itself to be released as open source.

If you're looking to build GUI applications with Python, there is probably a GUI framework/library listed here thatfits the bill for your project. Try and weigh up the capabilities & licensing of the different libraries with the scale of yourproject, both now and in the future.

Don't be afraid to experiment a bit with different libraries, to see which feel the best fit.While the APIs of GUI libraries are very different, they share many underlying concepts in commonand things you learn in one library will often apply in another.

Even HTAs have crossed my mind. Been thinking about doing this under WINE or virtualized. Linux simply doesn't cater to easy... Even bash can be over-engineered. PySimpleGUI looks perfect (for some solutions). This may help entice me to working with python more seriously. e24fc04721

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