Figure 1: School supplies

Taken by: David Aguirre

Connections with the UN Sustainable Goals:

1.We connected with NO POVERTY because the parents of those kids do not have enough money to pay for a good school for their children, so kids will not have a good education.

2. We connected with QUALITY OF EDUCATION because our local issue is related to education, and kids need a better quality of school for having a good future and learnings, so we will help them.

Local issue: Our local issue is related to the rights of education for children in La Guajira.

CENTRAL IDEA: Right to education allows children to have useful learnings and a promising future.

Key concepts: Causation, Change, and Perspective

Related concepts: Opportunities, Education, Rights

Lines of Inquiry:

1.Children Education

2.Quality of education

3.Children Rights

Figure 2: ABCD

Taken by : Maria Jose Verbel