The Schedule


All times are UTC

13:20 - 13:30

Kickoff for PymFest

Alex & Elaine & Tristan

13:30 - 14:10

Unified compositional symbolic execution

Philippa Gardner

14:10 - 14:50

Representability and Consequence

Edmund Robinson

14:50 - 15:30

Category-theoretic semantics of proof-search

Eike Ritter

Coffee break 15:30 -- 16:00

16:00 - 16:40

Resource Logics: Semantics and Proofs - A singular

and fruitful collaboration with David Pym

Didier Galmiche

16:40 - 17:20

Why David (and us) care about Proof-theoretic Semantics

Alex Gheorghiu and Tao Gu

17:20 - 17:40

Special short talk

Peter Schroeder-Heister

17:40 - 18:00

Open floor

Pub! The Court from 18.30h on!!!