Project 1

AR Widgets build with Unity and Vuforia


This is my project 1 for CS 428: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality at UIC Fall 2020.

It is focused on building widgets for 5 AR markers using Unity and Vuforia. They are as followed.

  • Drone marker - Clock widget

  • Astronaut marker - Date widget

  • Fissure marker - temperature widget

    • Color changes based on current temperature

    • Below 30F is blue

    • 31F - 50 is cyan

    • 51 - 70 is green

    • 71 - 80 is yellow

    • Above 81 is red

  • Oxygen marker - wind speed and direction widget


The project is implemented in Unity 2019.4.1f1 and Vuforia 9 and makes use of the Vuforia Mars Image Target Database.

To run simply download zip off Github and add the contents of the unzipped folder to Unity Hub.

What the 5 markers should look like in Unity if everything loaded properly.

Assets Used


YouTube link that demonstrates the use of all 5 markers and some unresolved issues.


I think these widget would be popular especially once AR glasses become an essential item comparable to all the gimmicky apps that came out once smartphone become an essential item, but like smartphones I think over time those basic widgets would just end up being built into the AR glasses software, having to take out a card just to check the weather seems to be a bit of work for someone who could just ask their phone for the weather. Though things like weather, date and time are basic thing most people would want to know on a daily basis, so having them show constant in the corner of the AR glasses would probably be the more likely thing to implement.

AR games like Pokemon Go proves that you need a big franchise to get people’s interest so I could see a lot of companies getting in AR once AR glasses become more commonplace. Companies like Disney could use AR to augment their amusement parks or promote whatever upcoming movie/event. I think something like an AR pet would be popular, things like Tamagotchi and Nintendogs have always held some level of popularity in the past 30 years, but with AR glasses and the right implementation of behaviors, we would be able to interact with the digital pet on a whole other level. I can see it becoming particularly popular with people who cannot have real pets. An AR widget I could see myself using every day would be a reading app, something displays a virtual book for me to read. Personally, I would find it very useful to not have to physically carry around a huge textbook or just being able to read a book anywhere without having to carry one around. Implementation of popular phones app in AR would be useful too. Something like an AR fitness tracker would useful, like if I go on a hike, it constantly returns information like miles traveled, elevation, heart rate, and interesting tidbits about the location.

Examples of a widget I think would not be very useful in AR would be widgets that are basically commercials for a product. I can see a place like time square just being filled with AR implementation of commercials for products like clothing, or food once AR glasses become more common place. While it would be interesting at first, I can see it becoming overbearing to the point of people not wanting to wear AR glasses in certain locations due to the sensory overload. Widgets like the ones we designed for this project are pretty basic so I don’t think they would see a lot of use outside of some niche applications like someone who wear AR glasses all the time.