PED 502 Gr. 11

Welcome to Physical Education at Philemon Wright HS

Your class meets twice per 6 day cycle (day 1&4, or Day 2&5 or Day 3&6).

You are expected to be dressed in *proper attire for physical activity * and ready to go by 5 minutes after the bell either in the gym, or out on the field depending on the unit/ weather.

Proper Attire

1. A change of clothes from what you are wearing at school the rest of the day

2. Shorts of modest length or athletic pants, and a t-shirt or tank top that does not show undergarments.


25% Active participation. To receive full credit, students are expected to participate at a high intensity in all phases of the class. Warm-up, fitness, skill/ game concept drills, and game play.

15% Changed for class . Each time a student is NOT dressed, they lose 1 mark out of the 10 possible for the term.

10% Cardiovascular Assessment (sportheque 2.4km run, beep test, 12 min run etc.)

5% Push Ups

5% Sit Ups

40% Skill Evaluations / Game play evaluations/ Quizzes. There will be at least 1 and up to 2 assessments per unit.