Program on
Algebraic Geometry
and related topics


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📅 Calendar Month

To add the seminars to your Google Calendar, please click this link. 

(Past seminars at the bottom page or at our YouTube Channel) 

Upcoming Activities

Anton Fonarev

Steklov Mathematical Institute 

Cohomology  in
Algebraic Geometry
Mini course
Date: July 2024  Time:  10-12 GMT-4

Monday         15  July
Thursday       18  July
Monday          22  July
Thursday        25  July

Sebastian Schlegel Mejia

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics - Bonn

(Co)Homology groups
Date: Tuesday 23 July 2024
Time: 10-12  GMT-4

Hiraku Nakajima

kavli Institute IPMU

Quivers varieties
Date: Friday 26 July 2024
Time: 7-9 am GMT-4

Jacob Kryczka

Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA)

Derived Geometry and
Non-linear PDEs
Time:  10-12 GMT-4
      Wednesday         07  August
                      Friday                  09  August               

Barbara Fantechi


Scheme and Stack Theory
Mini course
Date: TBA

Eric Zaslow

Northwestern University

Mini course
Date:  TBA

Johanna Knapp
Melbourne U.

The Physical Mathematics of Gauged Linear Sigma Models
Mini course
Date:  TBA

Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu

Columbia University

Enumerative Geometry of Gauged Linear Sigma Models
Mini course
Date:  November TBA

Miles Reid

University of Warwick

Title TBA
Mini course
Date: TBA
Time: TBA GMT-4

Alexander Givental

UC Berkeley

Quantum Riemann-Roch
Mini course
Date: TBA

Past Activities

Satoshi Nawata

Fudan U.

Branes and Representations of Double Affine Hecke Algebras
Date: Friday 14 June 2024
Time: 9-11am GMT-4

Pavel Putrov


Algebraic Topology
in Physics
Mini course
Date: May-June 2024  Time:  10-12 GMT-4
Wednesday   29  May
Thursday       30  May
Wednesday   05  June
Thursday       06  June
Friday            07  June

Mahan Mj
TIFR, Mumbai

Dimensions 1,2,3,4,...
Date:  Thursday 25 Feb 2024
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Taro Kimura
Bourgogne U.

Quantum Geometric
and algebraic aspects of supersymmetric
Gauge theory
Slides:  I II
Dates: Friday 27 Otober 2023
                Friday 3 November 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Iván Contreras
Amherst College

Axiomatic Quantum
Field Theories
Slides:  I II
Dates: Friday 17 November 2023
              Friday 24 November 2023
Time: 14-16 GMT-4

Sunghyuk Park
Harvard U. 

Spectral networks and skein modules
Date: Friday 10 November 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Pranav Pandit

Moduli spaces in
Quantum Field Theory
and String Theory
Date: Friday 20 October 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Mark Gross

Cambridge U.

Gross-Siebert Program
5 Lectures
Dates: Mon. 25 Sept.
            Wed. 27 Sept.
          Mon. 02 Oct.
          Wed. 04 Oct.
          Mon. 09 Oct.
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Alexander Cruz 


The notion of space in Grothendieck:
From schemes to the geometry of forms
Date: Friday 29 September 2023
    Friday 6 October 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Catherine Cannizzo

UC Berkeley

Mirror symmetry
Date:  Friday 22 September 2023
Time: 11-13 GMT-4

Yalong Cao
RIKEN Institute

type invariants of Calabi-Yau 4-folds
Date:  Friday 15 September 2023
Time: 8-10 GMT-4

Claire Voisin
IMJ-Paris Rive Gauche

Variations of Hodge structures and
geometric applications
Date: Monday 11 September 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Martijn Kool

Utrecht U.

Algebraic geometry and Vafa-Witten theory
Date: Friday 8 September 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Lothar Göttsche

Hilbert schemes
of points on surfaces
Date: Thursday 7 September 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Artan Sheshmani
Harvard U. & BIMSA Tsinghua U.

Super Gromov-Witten invariants on almost Kähler varieties
Part  I & II
Date: Wednesday 6 September 2023
Time: 13-15 GMT-4

 Daniel Huybrechts 
Bonn U.

Algebraic Geometry of Kähler manifolds
Date: Friday 1 September 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Daniel Galviz
YMSC, Tsinghua University

Enumerative Geometry: Gromov-Witten Theory
and String Theory
Date:  Wednesday 30 August 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Richard Thomas
Imperial College London

Spec and Proj
Date: Friday 25 August 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Dennis Gaitsgory
Director of Max Planck Math.

Geometric Langlands correspondence
Date: Friday 4 August 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Dmitrii Pirozhkov
Steklov Institute of Mathematics

Essential Algebraic Tools for Algebraic Geometry
Date: Friday 28 July 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Alessandro Giacchetto

Institut de Physique Théorique

Topological Recursion
Date: Friday 14 July 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Alessandro Tomasiello
Milano-Bicocca U.

Toric Geometry  for
String Theory
Date: Monday 10 July 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Xenia de la Ossa

Oxford U.

Reflections on
Mirror Symmetry
an introduction to Calabi-Yau moduli
and counting rational curves
Date: Wednesday 28 June 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Mauricio Romo
Tsinghua U.

Algebraic Geometry
and String Theory
Date: Monday 19 June 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4

Johanna Knapp
Melbourne U.

Gauged linear sigma models and Calabi-Yaus 
Date: Friday 9 June 2023
Time: 8-10 GMT-4

Nikita Nekrasov
Stony Brook U.
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

The Count of Instantons
Date: Monday 5 June 2023
Time: 10-12 GMT-4