As a bouncing putty, Silly Putty is noted for its unusual characteristics. It bounces when dropped from a height, but breaks when struck or stretched sharply; it can also float in a liquid and will form a puddle given enough time. Silly Putty and most other retail putty products have viscoelastic agents added to reduce the flow and enable the putty to hold its shape.[5]

Credit for the invention of Silly Putty is disputed[12] and has been attributed variously to Earl Warrick[3] of the then newly formed Dow Corning; Harvey Chin; and James Wright, a Scottish-born inventor working for General Electric in New Haven, Connecticut.[13] Throughout his life, Warrick insisted that he and his colleague, Rob Roy McGregor, received the patent for Silly Putty before Wright did;[14] but Crayola's history of Silly Putty states that Wright first invented it in 1943.[11][15][16] Both researchers independently discovered that reacting boric acid with silicone oil would produce a gooey, bouncy material with several unique properties. The non-toxic putty would bounce when dropped, could stretch farther than regular rubber, would not go moldy, and had a very high melting temperature. However, the substance did not have all the properties needed to replace rubber.[1]

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Already US$12,000 in debt, Hodgson borrowed $147 to buy a batch of the putty to pack 1 oz (28 g) portions into plastic eggs for $1, calling it Silly Putty. Initial sales were poor, but after a New Yorker article mentioned it, Hodgson sold over 250,000 eggs of silly putty in three days.[5] However, Hodgson was almost put out of business in 1951 by the Korean War. Silicone, the main ingredient in silly putty, was put on ration, harming his business. A year later, the restriction on silicone was lifted and the production of Silly Putty resumed.[10][18] Initially, it was primarily targeted towards adults. However, by 1955, the majority of its customers were aged six to twelve. In 1957, Hodgson produced the first televised commercial for Silly Putty, which aired during the Howdy Doody Show.[19]

In addition to its success as a toy, other uses for the putty have been found. In the home, it can be used to remove substances such as dirt, lint, pet hair, or ink from various surfaces. The material's unique properties have found niche use in medical and scientific applications. Occupational therapists use it for rehabilitative therapy of hand injuries.[22] A number of other brands (such as Power Putty and TheraPutty) alter the material's properties, offering different levels of resistance. The material is also used as a tool to help reduce stress, and exists in various viscosities based on the user's preference.

Because of its adhesive characteristics, it was used by Apollo astronauts to secure their tools in zero gravity.[23] Scale model building hobbyists use the putty as a masking medium when spray-painting model assemblies.[24][25] The Steward Observatory uses a Silly-Putty backed lap to polish astronomical telescope mirrors.[26][27]

Silly Putty (originally called nutty putty) is a silicone plastic "clay", sold as a toy for children by Binney & Smith Inc.. It was created as a scientific accident when scientists in the United States were trying to find a substitute for rubber during World War II.

Magnetic Thinking Putty takes regular "silly" putty and turns its awesomeness up to 11. Like any other putty, it can be stretched, bounced, molded, popped, and torn. However, when this putty is in the presence of a magnetic field, it exhibits fascinating properties.

Millions of tiny micron-sized magnets are embedded in each handful of Magnetic Thinking Putty. Use the included super-strong ceramic magnet to control the putty like a snake charmer. Or "charge" the blob of putty so it can become a magnet of its own and pick up small tacks and paperclips.

Now That PuTTY is installed on your computer, you can follow these steps to connect to GACRC resources (to which you are authorized to connect) with it. Double-click the PuTTY shortcut on your desktop, and you will see the following window (If you didn't put a shortcut on your desktop, search for "putty" in the windows search bar in the bottom left of your screen, next to the start button. Click the one that says "PuTTY", not PuTTYgen). You only have to edit these two text fields:

Putties are mentioned throughout the game and appear on almost every planet. When talking to the putty on Puffoon, the putty will say that it is on a quest to find the rest of its putty friends. The putty on Cassia will appear to be frozen solid when the planet is covered in ice, and will tell the player about the aquarino when unfrozen.

Generally, putties seem to be happy creatures who like to travel the world. They can get easily excited and are very optimistic. When talking to the putty on Razen, it will say that it is excited for the Starfall Festival, although it originally had no idea what it is. When it finds out, it explains everything to the party.

On Nova, the player can turn into a putty that is their opposite starsign. In order to do so, they must go downstairs in the light palace and go through a door on the left. They will emerge as a putty coming out of the door on the right with the opposite starsign. Only the Hero/Heroine can turn into a putty.

Traveling Putties (, Konnyaku-sama / Mr Konjac) are bipedal, sentient molds of putty. They are found just about everywhere in Kovomaka, and the Baklava Solar System in general. New Traveling Putties are made by mashing and boiling Putty Peas.

Pleasure Putty is a Pyramid Scheme that Riva is a part of. It is a type of putty that causes immediate sexual pleasure and is extremely explosive. The putty was originally sold to Riva by Sister Mildred of the Cosmic Veil.

As The Wurst is trying to escape Rec Station 97, Zvoon, an orb on her bachelorette party, explodes the Pleasure Putty Factory. This causes pleasure putty to rain from the sky and putty mongers to flee for their lives.

After getting radioactive, both realize that they have forgotten the bug and then both faint. An ambulance arrives to take them to a hospital but in the way the ambulance crashes, causing their stretches to fall and then and into tow different shops. Dak falls into a spackle shop and mutates to a putty monster, Eddie falls into an aquarium and mutates into a humanoid fish. While Dak has the ability to shapeshift and harden his body at will, Eddie doesn't have any special powers. To cheer him up, Dak takes him around the city to destroy things until they are confronted by the Mask on different occasions. Finally, they encounter Kellaway and as Dak was about to crash him, The Mask threatens to cook Eddie if he doesn't release the cop. After Kellaway is freed, The Mask throws Canola Oil to Dak, causing him to melt. After trapping him in a jar, the police arrives and takes the two mutants to jail.

However he is not invulnerable as he is shown to be weak against all the sources that make putty useless including Canola oil (which caused him to melt), Salt Water (which damaged his body structure) and being mixed with concrete (which put him out of commission), as well as his body can easily be damaged by other powerful beings such as the Mask.

Putty PatrollersGender:NeutralVillain Type:FootsoldiersSeasons:MMS1 (DUS)Homeworld:N/AThe Putty Patrol is the standard army unit deployed by Rita Repulsa during the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Though neither particularly strong, intelligent, nor resilient, their basic power of numbers allow them to be a regular challenge to the Power Rangers. The Putties are created in Finster's monster making machine. Though apparently made from the same basic clay or putty-like compound as the specialized creations, they differ from normal monsters in that they are mass-produced through use of steam-pressured molds and then sent through the monster machine in large numbers. After being fully cooked, they're ejected one at a time from the exit tube at the far end of the machine. Though generally identical, Putties often display some level of individual personality, and are occasionally given number designations to identify them within a given group. Indeed, not all Putties are created equal, as some examples show even less than the typically lacking skill level. Such Putties are usually broken back down into their clay building blocks and recycled for use in other Putties, and perhaps even monsters.

Putty Rage is a rage that is fired by the Catapult. When you fire it at your monsters, they will improve in certain points like speed and defense. A 10 Million Putty Rage is the most dangerous of them all, because your monsters will have double moving speed and they will take only 10% damage for 40 seconds. The best monster to use 10 Million Putty Rage on is the Project X (this strategy is known as PPX, which is outdated), as their favourite target is Defensive Towers and their damage is high (2200 at level 6). Their Health Points doesn't matter much as they will be semi-invincible for 40 seconds. Like all other Catapult options, you can only use Putty Rage once per attack. The larger the putty rage the longer the rage lasts, the more damage boost, the faster speed, and bigger shield ff782bc1db

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