Virtual 4-H

Resource for Virtual Meetings/Programs

4-H may look a little different right now, but that doesn't mean we have to stop having succesful (and fun!) 4-H programming.

Florida 4-H & Putnam County 4-H have provided resources for you to lead a meeting virtually!

Microsoft Teams

  1. Sign up to get free access from UF.

  2. House or Create Documents or Records.

  3. Can hold up to 100 people on a video call.

  4. Has a chat function.

  5. Schedule meetings using Microsoft Teams.

  6. Screen sharing capabilities.

  7. High-Level Security.

Club Leaders and Co-Leaders may request access to Microsoft Teams to lead meetings and organize clubs virtually. Only two permissions per club will be granted. Please contact the office if you'd like to utilize this resource.

Google Hangout

  1. Free for everyone and directly accessible from Gmail.

  2. Do not need a Google Account to use Google Meet.

  3. Google Meet provides real-time captions.

  4. Supports up to 100 participants for a duration of 24hours.

  5. Supports up to 100,000 live stream viewers.

  6. Schedule meetings using Google Chat or Google Calendar.

  7. Screen sharing capabilities.

  8. High-level security.

  9. Do not need to download any software.


  1. Access to chat, microphone, and camera

  2. Access to create polls for a knowledge check

  3. Screen Sharing capabilities

  4. Annotation capabilities

  5. Up to 100 participants

  6. Waiting Room capabilities

Tools for Interactive Virtual Meetings

Google Jamboard

  1. Can be used a digital whiteboard.

  2. Interactive way to get students to respond

  3. Google account is not needed to participate.

  4. Has customizable "boards"

  5. Has up to 20 boards per Jam Session

Pear Deck for Google Slides

  1. Pear Deck is accessible through Google Slides

  2. Interactive way to deliver a slideshow or meeting agenda/activities

  3. Assess participant knowledge

  4. Everyone is involved when using Pear Deck


  • Customize Jeopardy-style games

  • Lots of pre-made games are available


  • Create Multiple Choice Questions

  • Create True/False Questions

  • Create Puzzles

  • Add Photos

  • Monitor Progress/ Score


  • Create Virtual Flashcards

  • Great for learning terms or key concepts.


  • Customizable Jeopardy Style Games


  • Make trivia games!

Virtual Team-building Resources


Team Building From Six Feet Apart

This free e-book by Training Wheels founder Michelle Cummings has multiple Experiential Activities for Physical Distancing. The intent of this book is to help facilitators, trainers and teachers transition back to in-person events after Social Distancing during the Covid-19 era.

Virtual-Team-Building-Activities-by-Michelle-Cummings (1).pdf

Virtual Team Building Activities

This free e-book by Training Wheels founder Michelle Cummings has 30 Experiential Activities for a Virtual Audience. As the need for online delivery intensifies, here are some tried and true activities that work in virtual platforms. There are several Icebreakers, Brain Break Activities, Problem-Solving and Communication Activities and Debriefing Activities included.


More Virtual Team Building Activities

This free e-book by Training Wheels founder Michelle Cummings has 8 additional Experiential Activities for a Virtual Audience. Most of these activities are more in-depth than the activities in the original handout featured below and require more time and patience for groups to solve.


Virtual Team Building Games- Part 3

This free e-book by Training Wheels founder Michelle Cummings has 12 additional Experiential Activities for a Virtual Audience. Most of these activities are more synchronous, team-oriented activities utilizing Google Slide Game Templates.


Tips for Successful Virtual Facilitation

You probably already know that converting regular activities into virtual activities isn’t as simple as just finding an online meeting room to use. There are many additional things to consider and it requires some creativity, re-imagining and redesigning, all while keeping the integrity of the program intact. We have to think about ways to increase engagement in an easily distractible environment as well. As the need for online deliver intensifies, here’s a few tips on how to convert your in-person meeting or programs to virtual sessions, as well as some best practices for virtual facilitation. There are a few bonus virtual connection activities included as well.