We're All About The Ingredients

One of the things we're proudest of is the quality we're able to deliver with such great value to the customer. For as little as $1 a cup, RYZE packs a punch with each of the uniquely beneficial mushrooms we offer. We're also proud that we source all our ingredients here in the USA (many companies source in China as it's cheaper). Beyond that, we include mushrooms that you will not see in other mushroom coffee brands. It's one of the things we're proudest of because these mushrooms (especially Turkey Tail and King Trumpet) are hard to source but they offer immense benefits and is the reason we offer them in our blend.

Power up thanks to Cordyceps 

When it comes to your energy, you have one mushroom to thank. We mean, drink. That's Cordyceps of course. In fact, over 400 species of Cordyceps exist but two specifically have become the focus of health research: Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris. 

We use Cordyceps militaris in our blend. They have been used for thousands of years to treat a myriad of ailments, including chronic fatigue, kidney disease, and low sex drive.  We include this mushroom to boost energy, athletic performance, and muscle recovery. Feeling tired or sluggish, call on Cordyceps. Let's get after it!

Cordyceps was first discovered by Tibetan farmers high on the Himalayan plateaus over 2000 years ago when their livestock exhibited unprecedented energy and good health after ingesting the fungi. They quickly became a favorite for natural, sustainable energy and have been a centerpiece in traditional eastern medicine ever since. Now, we bring them to you in our blend, so you too can feel their power.

Here to bring out your inner athlete.

Extra energy sound good to you? Us too. Cordyceps may be your new best friend then. Shown across several studies to increase endurance levels during exercise by up to 18%, Cordyceps helps you train harder, reduces fatigue and aids in faster recovery. 

Enter Lion's Mane mushroom. We call it the natural brain juice since it enhances productivity, focus, and cognitive function, all naturally. At the same time? It relieves anxiety and stress. And for some longer term benefits, it's there to strengthen neuron connections in the brain pathways. This is the go-to morning mushroom for us. Find it packed away in our blend of course. Time to focus! 

Keep calm and carry on.

Our mantra, especially this year! But seriously stress can have detrimental effects on the body and mind, including decreased immune function and exacerbated symptoms of anxiety and depression. This why we look to functional mushrooms like Reishi to mitigate the negative effects of stress. Reishi is known as an adaptogen, a class of herbs and fungi that help your body adapt to stressors. This one is here to help your body and mind chill out, and turn on your ultimate OMMMM.

Sip on the "Monarch of Mushrooms"

Shiitake is an incredibly nutrient-dense superfood that can be eaten or taken as a supplement. We of course couldn't pass up the opportunity to include Shiitake in our blend since it does all things so well. Foremost, protecting our immunity (so important right now especially!).

You might be aware of it's strong flavor which begs the question, how does it taste in a drink? Good news! We include some MCT and coffee in with our 'shrooms to balance out the earthiness and create an amazingly unique flavor and creamy texture. To health and longevity!