Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities through a re-engineered polytechnic university by committing to: 


PUP: The National Polytechnic University 


S. Calabig, S. Roldan, and R. Amaranto

Sintang Paaralan

Tanglaw ka ng bayan

Pandayan ng isip ng kabataan

Kami ay dumating nang salat sa yaman

Hanap na dunong ay iyong alay

Ang layunin mong makatao

Dinarangal ang Pilipino

Ang iyong aral, diwa, adhikang taglay

PUP, aming gabay

Paaralang dakila

PUP, pinagpala

Gagamitin ang karunungan

Mula sa iyo, para sa bayan

Ang iyong aral, diwa, adhikang taglay

PUP, aming gabay

Paaralang dakila

PUP, pinagpala 


In consonance with the Vision and Mission of the University, PUP Lopez Quezon Branch affirms and avows itself to:

1.Develop globally competitive and socially responsible   professionals through quality and responsive academic programs and services.

2. Generate and disseminate knowledge through productive researches and continuing education relevant to the needs of instruction and viable development.

3. Strengthen linkage, partnership and collaboration with other institutions for constant program relevance, resource generation, and sustainable extension programs and services.

4. Continual review of educational programs to ensure their quality, relevance and effectiveness.

5. Provide adequate and conducive school facilities to ensure optimum student learning.

About PUP

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) is a government educational institution governed by Republic Act Number 8292 known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations contained in the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Circular No. 4, series 1997. PUP is one of the country's highly competent educational institutions. The PUP Community is composed of the Board of Regents, University Officials, Administrative and Academic Personnel, Students, various Organizations, and the Alumni.

Governance of PUP is vested upon the Board of Regents, which exercises policy-making functions to carry out the mission and programs of the University by virtue of RA 8292 granted by the Commission on Higher Education. The University is administered by an appointed President by virtue of RA 8292 and is assisted by an Executive Vice President and the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs, Student Services, Administration, Research, Extension and Development, and Finance.