
Welcome to Smart Dynamical Systems Laboratory

Smart Dynamical Systems Laboratory (SDSL) is a 400 sq. ft. dedicated research space provided to PI-Dr. Punnag Chatterjee. It is located at IIT Dharwad's A1 block and within the Department of Mechanical Materials and Aerospace Engineering. The overarching research interest of SDSL lies in the conceptualization and analysis of novel, integrated, multifunctional systems that operate across multidisciplinary domains of structures, fluids, and electrical engineering. By uncovering fundamental understanding of the complex cross-domain interactions SDSL seeks to provide novel engineering solutions to contemporary focus areas of sensing, actuation, renewable energy, and help our society in achieving sustainability.

News & Events

New publication (Feb 2024):
Link: https://juniperpublishers.com/artoaj/pdf/ARTOAJ.MS.ID.556399.pdf
P. Chatterjee, A. Weerasekara, U. Egertsdotter, C. Aidun. Machine Learning based Sorting of Somatic Embryos for In-Line processing in Automated SE Fluidics System. Agri Res& Tech: Open Access J. 2024; 28(1): 556399 

At 3:00 our team is assembling a MW prototype for melting ice on simulated Martian Environment at NASA Langley. Web link of our team in news (2017).

Lab location (A1-209)