Work Done so far...


  • CS563 - Scalable Data Science,

  • CS599 - Special topics in Deep Neural Network,

  • CS699 - Pattern Recognition,

  • MA512 - Linear Algebra,

  • CS571 - Programming Practicum,

  • MA524 - Probability and Statistics.

Languages and tools:

  • Python (specific libraries -Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, Tenseflow, Opencv), Java, C, C++, PHP.

  • Front End : HTML, CSS, Bootstarp.

  • Database: MySQL

  • Latex, doc, Excel.



  • Qualified Gate-2019, 2020.

Teaching Assistant Duties**:

  • IC252 - Data Science-II (Feb 2020).

  • CS571 - Programming Practicum (July 2020).

  • CS403 - Algorithm Design and Analysis (Feb 2021).

  • CS514 - Data Structure and Algorithm -II (July 2021).

  • CS309 - Information and Database Systems (Feb 2022).

* All courses are completed at IIT Mandi.

**All TA duties are performed at IIT Mandi.