User Agreement

Acceptance of Terms:

Welcome to our service! Before using it, please read and agree to the following terms:

- This agreement is a legally binding contract between you and us, governing your use of our products and services.

- If you do not agree to any of the terms in this agreement, please refrain from using our service.

Account Registration:

You need to register an account to use our service. During the registration process, you must provide accurate and truthful personal information and keep your account and password confidential.

User Conduct:

When using our service, you agree to:

- Comply with applicable laws and regulations.

- Not infringe upon the rights of others.

- Not engage in any illegal, fraudulent, false, or harmful activities.

- Not interfere with or disrupt our systems and networks.

Intellectual Property:

All intellectual property in our products and services belongs to us or our partners. You may not copy, modify, distribute, or exploit these intellectual property rights without our permission.


While we strive to ensure the security and reliability of our service, we cannot guarantee its absolute accuracy and continuity. You assume the risk of using our service.

Privacy Protection:

We will protect your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Please read our privacy policy for more details.

Termination of Agreement:

If you violate any terms of this agreement, we have the right to terminate your account and service at any time.

Other Terms:

This agreement may be subject to additional terms and policies, which you should carefully read and comply with before using our service.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about the user agreement, please contact us at [ ].

This user agreement was last updated on [2023-11-23].