I wanted to cycle through the pulseeffects presets with a keyboard shortcut instead of going to the app or command prompt. I can create a script(which will be called by a keyboard shortcut) to get all presets, current preset and load the next preset.

I have a custom equalizer curve for my specific headphones, and I created that curve as nearly as I could in the pulseeffects equalizer subapplication. It sounded great. Then, I clicked on the Presets button at the top right, gave a name matching my headphones model, added it, and clicked the button that says "Save current settings to this presets file". This all seemed pretty straightforward.

Pulseeffects Presets Download

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So, to test it, I closed pulseeffects, reopened it, and clicked on the Presets button, then clicked on my named preset, and clicked on the Apply button. But all the equalizer settings remain flat. Did I do this wrong, or is it a bug?

I have looked at the pulseeffects "wiki" on GitHub and will continue looking, but so far, I haven't found anything. I should probably ask this in their "Issues", but I thought someone here might know.

I have worked with the pulseeffects developer all afternoon. He has been very helpful. But, nothing worked until I created a new user and ran pulseeffects under the new user. Then, saving and restoring custom settings worked, perfectly.

So, the developer says that something is wrong with my real userid in that gsettings cannot update the SCHEMA KEY values for pulseeffects. We tested this in several ways, using both dconf-editor and gsettings.

The problem is solved. A few years ago, I had changed the location of XDG_CONFIG_HOME. It seems that all applications I use were ok with it until pulseeffects. I have reconfigured XDG_CONFIG_HOME to ~/.config, so now pulseeffects saves and restores its settings, correctly.

Thanks for the tutorial. I have a GitHub repository where I host a set of equalizer presets for EasyEffects and PulseEffects. I also added Delay to create a stereo effect that sounds great with headphones. Just load and go! -chan5/EasyPulse

It would be great if there were more EQ presets. Listening to Violin sonatas for instance none work great. Or is there a handy article about how to find the best EQ settings for what you are listening to?

To install PulseEffects, use the Software tool and type pulseeffects to find the package. Fedora carries this software in its official repositories. So if you need to, you can switch the source from the Flatpak version to the Fedora one. Then click Install.

I agree, a great application with a lot of settings, but pulseeffects converts a 6-channel audio stream into a 2-channel one, as it happened with me. As a result, I am using the old but working swh-plugins mbeq.

So here is the deal; according to upstream, , wwmm states in his last post that the openSUSE maintainer needs to build a new version of pulseeffects. This is because of the version of dconf that is on TW. I see that this has been mentioned on the build page, , but no explanation was added. I will add a link to the github issue and this post to the build page.

Once you have finished selecting a preset, simply minimize the window, and enjoy. If you decide you want to mess around with various settings, you do have the option of creating your own presets based upon whatever your current settings are, in that same Presets menu.

I downloaded pulseeffects and have set it up so that I like the sound on one of my presets, and have toggled on start service at login, however, it doesn't. I still get tinny sound until I open pulseeffects and when I close it but continue with spotify or youtube the sound cuts off a few seconds later.

as the title states, I wanted to switch pulseffects profiles on headphone connection/disconnection. I've referred to the link below for setting profiles via the terminal but these do not work on the pulseeffects flatpack.

By the way, PulseEffects has like three predefined presets, but you need to download the files from their git page if and place them in the right folder (not hard at all a they had instructions last time I checked), though for my own taste, they are too insipid.

PulseEffect comes with a lot of effects. However, if you want to enable additional effects in PulseEffects, you can download more community-made presets and effects from here. These effect files need to be copied to appropriate directories based on your installation method. You can find installation instructions for custom effects available here.

PulseEffects [3] is a program that offers numerous powerful functions beyond the equalizer. In many distributions you can install the application directly from the package sources (e.g., on Ubuntu from version 19.10 or Debian 11). The package is usually named pulseeffects.

No. The settings in the jaakkopasanen/AutoEq Github repo are generated using the AutoEq software. AutoEq uses measurements by Oratory1990, Crinacle, Headphones.com, etc, but the presets are created by software. If you install the AutoEq software you can create your own presets using the same measurements but different parameters such as the target you wish to achieve.

The Oratory1990 presets are based on his measurements and are created by him. He is not affiliated with the AutoEq project. He uses the Harman Target unless otherwise noted. In general I find these presets to be much better than AutoEq. YMMV. I have since moved on to creating my own presets.

1. Do you have any idea or tool or software or plugin that can change the audio profile/presets when the device is swapped?

2. How to detect headphones ? What changes do I need to make to my script?

PulseEffects with its huge selection of effects can quickly become overwhelming, if it is only a matter of emphasizing the mids in speech output or giving a piece of music a better bass foundation. That's why PE, in addition to the manual setting options, also works with ready-made profiles, which are called presets and, depending on the occasion, can be loaded either for output via speakers/headphones or for input via microphone.

The software already comes with various generic profiles for music, movies or games in the packages of some distributions. However, you can also load community presets from the net or create some yourself. A collection of presets can be found on GitHub. Please note that with PulseEffects 4 the format of the profiles has changed to json and profiles for older versions do not work anymore.

After the first start of the application, to the left you will see a large number of effects, which open their respective settings with a click. This way you can create your own presets. However, things get easier with the already mentioned predefined presets.

To include them after they have been downloaded, you will find the presets button at the top right, where you can include presets from your hard drive to the left of the blue plus sign. You can then load them into PulseEffects using the load button. In the list on the left you can then see which settings have been changed for this preset, and you can adjust them if necessary.

Tuxedo Computers has started a project on GitHub that provides some presets for some of our notebook models. You can extend the list by submitting presets you have created for your device as a pull request and thus make them available to other users. Tuxedo Computers intends to ship notebooks with PulseEffects and customized presets preinstalled in the future. And now have fun improving your sound output.

EasyEffects uses PipeWire to process incoming and outgoing audio streams independently and can apply various sound effects in the form of plug-ins made by different developer teams such as Calf Studio Gear, MDA.LV2 and GStreamer.[6][7] All plugins have their own presets and can be applicable inside the suite rather than having to use a different mixer or executing a script from the command line.[4]

If you are a casual user simply searching for some bass boost, or you don't want to dive in the thousand of thousand options that EasyEffects (previously known as PulseEffects) offers, you'll be happy knowing that some users have created some presets, and maybe you could find the one you are searching for.

Due to changes in EasyEffects 6.0.0 preset structure changed a little. Thanks to Mlocik97 we now have website, that will convert PulseEffects presets to EasyEffects presets. Website is still in alpha version and is missing a lot of features, but core functionality is already ready. Website is avaiable on this URL: -to-ee-preset-converter.herokuapp.com/.

Thanks to AbsurdlySuspicious, website now contain also download for bash shell script converter, just run bash convert.sh *.json in directory with presets and it will convert all your presets. Note: it requires jq and perl installed. More information at -1672265385 e24fc04721

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