In data communication, a physical network node may either be data communication equipment (DCE) such as a modem, hub, bridge or switch; or data terminal equipment (DTE) such as a digital telephone handset, a printer or a host computer.

If the network in question is a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN), every LAN or WAN node that participates on the data link layer must have a network address, typically one for each network interface controller it possesses. Examples are computers, a DSL modem with Ethernet interface and wireless access point. Equipment, such as an Ethernet hub or modem with serial interface, that operates only below the data link layer does not require a network address.[2]

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If the network in question is the Internet or an intranet, many physical network nodes are host computers, also known as Internet nodes, identified by an IP address, and all hosts are physical network nodes. However, some data-link-layer devices such as switches, bridges and wireless access points do not have an IP host address (except sometimes for administrative purposes), and are not considered to be Internet nodes or hosts, but are considered physical network nodes and LAN nodes.

In the fixed telephone network, a node may be a public or private telephone exchange, a remote concentrator or a computer providing some intelligent network service. In cellular communication, switching points and databases such as the base station controller, home location register, gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) and serving GPRS support node (SGSN) are examples of nodes. Cellular network base stations are not considered to be nodes in this context.

In cable television systems (CATV), this term has assumed a broader context and is generally associated with a fiber optic node. This can be defined as those homes or businesses within a specific geographic area that are served from a common fiber optic receiver. A fiber optic node is generally described in terms of the number of "homes passed" that are served by that specific fiber node.

If the network in question is a distributed system, the nodes are clients, servers or peers. A peer may sometimes serve as client, sometimes server. In a peer-to-peer or overlay network, nodes that actively route data for the other networked devices as well as themselves are called supernodes.

Distributed systems may sometimes use virtual nodes so that the system is not oblivious to the heterogeneity of the nodes. This issue is addressed with special algorithms, like consistent hashing, as it is the case in Amazon's Dynamo.[3]

Within a vast computer network, the individual computers on the periphery of the network, those that do not also connect other networks, and those that often connect transiently to one or more clouds are called end nodes. Typically, within the cloud computing construct, the individual user or customer computer that connects into one well-managed cloud is called an end node. Since these computers are a part of the network yet unmanaged by the cloud's host, they present significant risks to the entire cloud. This is called the end node problem.[4] There are several means to remedy this problem but all require instilling trust in the end node computer.[5]

Kubernetes runs your workloadby placing containers into Pods to run on Nodes.A node may be a virtual or physical machine, depending on the cluster. Each nodeis managed by thecontrol planeand contains the services necessary to runPods.

After you create a Node object,or the kubelet on a node self-registers, the control plane checks whether the new Node objectis valid. For example, if you try to create a Node from the following JSON manifest:

Kubernetes creates a Node object internally (the representation). Kubernetes checksthat a kubelet has registered to the API server that matches the metadata.namefield of the Node. If the node is healthy (i.e. all necessary services are running),then it is eligible to run a Pod. Otherwise, that node is ignored for any cluster activityuntil it becomes healthy.

The name identifies a Node. Two Nodescannot have the same name at the same time. Kubernetes also assumes that a resource with the samename is the same object. In case of a Node, it is implicitly assumed that an instance using thesame name will have the same state (e.g. network settings, root disk contents) and attributes likenode labels. This may lead to inconsistencies if an instance was modified without changing its name.If the Node needs to be replaced or updated significantly, the existing Node object needs to beremoved from API server first and re-added after the update.

--node-ip - Optional comma-separated list of the IP addresses for the node.You can only specify a single address for each address family.For example, in a single-stack IPv4 cluster, you set this value to be the IPv4 address that thekubelet should use for the node.See configure IPv4/IPv6 dual stackfor details of running a dual-stack cluster.

As mentioned in the Node name uniqueness section,when Node configuration needs to be updated, it is a good practice to re-registerthe node with the API server. For example, if the kubelet being restarted withthe new set of --node-labels, but the same Node name is used, the change willnot take an effect, as labels are being set on the Node registration.

Marking a node as unschedulable prevents the scheduler from placing new pods ontothat Node but does not affect existing Pods on the Node. This is useful as apreparatory step before a node reboot or other maintenance.

The second is keeping the node controller's internal list of nodes up to date withthe cloud provider's list of available machines. When running in a cloudenvironment and whenever a node is unhealthy, the node controller asks the cloudprovider if the VM for that node is still available. If not, the nodecontroller deletes the node from its list of nodes.

The node eviction behavior changes when a node in a given availability zonebecomes unhealthy. The node controller checks what percentage of nodes in the zoneare unhealthy (the Ready condition is Unknown or False) at the same time:

A key reason for spreading your nodes across availability zones is so that theworkload can be shifted to healthy zones when one entire zone goes down.Therefore, if all nodes in a zone are unhealthy, then the node controller evicts atthe normal rate of --node-eviction-rate. The corner case is when all zones arecompletely unhealthy (none of the nodes in the cluster are healthy). In such acase, the node controller assumes that there is some problem with connectivitybetween the control plane and the nodes, and doesn't perform any evictions.(If there has been an outage and some nodes reappear, the node controller doesevict pods from the remaining nodes that are unhealthy or unreachable).

The node controller is also responsible for evicting pods running on nodes withNoExecute taints, unless those pods tolerate that taint.The node controller also adds taintscorresponding to node problems like node unreachable or not ready. This meansthat the scheduler won't place Pods onto unhealthy nodes.

Node objects track information about the Node's resource capacity: for example, the amountof memory available and the number of CPUs.Nodes that self register report their capacity duringregistration. If you manually add a Node, thenyou need to set the node's capacity information when you add it.

The Kubernetes scheduler ensures thatthere are enough resources for all the Pods on a Node. The scheduler checks that the sumof the requests of containers on the node is no greater than the node's capacity.That sum of requests includes all containers managed by the kubelet, but excludes anycontainers started directly by the container runtime, and also excludes anyprocesses running outside of the kubelet's control.

Kubelet ensures that pods follow the normalpod termination processduring the node shutdown. During node shutdown, the kubelet does not accept newPods (even if those Pods are already bound to the node).

Note that by default, both configuration options described below,shutdownGracePeriod and shutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods are set to zero,thus not activating the graceful node shutdown functionality.To activate the feature, the two kubelet config settings should be configured appropriately andset to non-zero values.

Once systemd detects or notifies node shutdown, the kubelet sets a NotReady condition onthe Node, with the reason set to "node is shutting down". The kube-scheduler honors this conditionand does not schedule any Pods onto the affected node; other third-party schedulers areexpected to follow the same logic. This means that new Pods won't be scheduled onto that nodeand therefore none will start.

The kubelet also rejects Pods during the PodAdmission phase if an ongoingnode shutdown has been detected, so that even Pods with atoleration do not start there.

For example, if shutdownGracePeriod=30s, andshutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods=10s, kubelet will delay the node shutdown by30 seconds. During the shutdown, the first 20 (30-10) seconds would be reservedfor gracefully terminating normal pods, and the last 10 seconds would bereserved for terminating critical pods.

When pods were evicted during the graceful node shutdown, they are marked as shutdown.Running kubectl get pods shows the status of the evicted pods as Terminated.And kubectl describe pod indicates that the pod was evicted because of node shutdown:

To provide more flexibility during graceful node shutdown around the orderingof pods during shutdown, graceful node shutdown honors the PriorityClass forPods, provided that you enabled this feature in your cluster. The featureallows cluster administers to explicitly define the ordering of podsduring graceful node shutdown based onpriority classes.

When graceful node shutdown honors pod priorities, this makes it possible to dograceful node shutdown in multiple phases, each phase shutting down aparticular priority class of pods. The kubelet can be configured with the exactphases and shutdown time per phase. e24fc04721

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