This image shows multiwavelength perspectives on the pulsar PSR B1509-58. The 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) infrared images shows a large area of the sky around the pulsar. The SuperCOSMOS optical image is closer in and shows a surrounding cloud of gas.

Chandra X-ray data show the effects of an energetic wind powered by the pulsar. The X-ray emission results from very energetic electrons spiraling in a magnetic field. Finger-like structures extend to the upper right and energize knots of material in the gas cloud. The Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) radio data shows the larger structure of the supernova remnant SNR G320.4-1.2 that encircles the pulsar PSR B1509.

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This composite shows an artist's impression (center) of a millisecond pulsar and its companion with an insert of the ESA/NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the region (upper left). The millisecond pulsar system lies in the globular cluster NGC 6397 in Ara (the Altar). In the Hubble image insert the companion star is marked with an arrow. The artist's impression shows the pulsar (seen in blue with two radiation beams) and its bloated red companion star. Scientists believe that the best explanation for seeing a bloated red star instead of a 'quiet' white dwarf in the system is that the pulsar only recently has been spun up to its current rotation speed of 274 times per second by the gases transferred by the red star. It is the first time such a system has been observed.

Astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake designed the map, working with fellow astronomer Carl Sagan and artist and writer Linda Salzman Sagan. The starburst-like diagram is called a pulsar map, because it shows the location of our sun relative to known pulsars.

Frank Drake used 14 pulsars to create a map with our sun at the center. Each pulsar is connected to the sun by a solid line. The length of the line represents the pulsar's approximate relative distance from the sun.

The 14 pulsar lines also have tick marks, which, based on their distance from the end of their line, provide an estimation of how far off the galactic plane each pulsar is located. The closer to the end of the line the tick mark is, the closer to the galactic plane the pulsar is.

But once the tick marks are taken into account, the lines to the pulsar maps fall into their correct 3D orientations, indicating where the pulsars actually are in relation to the center of the galaxy and our sun.

Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars that are formed when some massive stars run out of fuel, collapse, and explode. This pulsar is racing through the remains of the supernova explosion that created it, called G292.0+1.8, located about 20,000 light-years from Earth.

The newly determined speed of the pulsar indicates that G292.0+1.8 and its pulsar may be significantly younger than astronomers previously thought. Xi and his team estimate that G292.0+1.8 would have exploded about 2,000 years ago as seen from Earth, rather than 3,000 years ago as previously calculated. Several civilizations around the globe were recording supernova explosions at that time, opening up the possibility that G292.0+1.8 was directly observed.

In addition to learning more about the age of G292.0+1.8, the research team also examined how the supernova gave the pulsar its powerful kick. There are two main possibilities, both involving material not being ejected by the supernova evenly in all directions. One possibility is that neutrinos produced in the explosion are ejected from the explosion asymmetrically, and the other is that the debris from the explosion is ejected asymmetrically. If the material has a preferred direction the pulsar will be kicked in the opposite direction because of the principle of physics called the conservation of momentum.

The amount of asymmetry of neutrinos required to explain the high speed in this latest result would be extreme, supporting the explanation that asymmetry in the explosion debris gave the pulsar its kick. This agrees with a previous observation that the pulsar is moving in the opposite direction from the bulk of the X-ray-emitting gas.

The true speed through space is likely to be higher than 1.4 million miles per hour because the imaging technique only measures motion from side to side, rather than along our line of sight to the pulsar. An independent Chandra study of G292.0+1.8 led by Tea Temim of Princeton University suggests that the speed along the line of sight is about 800,000 miles per hour, giving a total speed of 1.6 million miles per hour. A paper describing this work was recently accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

Recent implications of results from quantum information theory applied to blackholes has led to the confusing conclusions that requires either abandoningthe equivalence principle (e.g. the firewall picture), or the no-hair theorem(e.g. the fuzzball picture), or even more unpalatable options. The recentdiscovery of a pulsar orbiting a black hole opens up new possibilities fortests of theories of gravity. We examine possible observational effects ofsemi-classical quantum gravity in the vicinity of black holes, as probedby pulsars and event horizon telescope imaging of flares. Pulsar radiationis observable at wavelengths only two orders of magnitude shorter than theHawking radiation, so precision interferometry of lensed pulsar images mayshed light on the quantum gravitational processes and interaction of Hawkingradiation with the spacetime near the black hole. I discuss the impact onthe pulsar radiation interference pattern, which is observable through themodulation index in the foreseeable future, and discuss a possible classicallimit of BHC.

The extended nebulae formed as pulsar winds expand into their surroundings provide information about the composition of the winds, the injection history from the host pulsar, and the material into which the nebulae are expanding. Observations from across the electromagnetic spectrum provide constraints on the evolution of the nebulae, the density and composition of the surrounding ejecta, the geometry of the central engines, and the long-term fate of the energetic particles produced in these systems. Such observations reveal the presence of jets and wind termination shocks, time-varying compact emission structures, shocked supernova ejecta, and newly formed dust. Here I provide a broad overview of the structure of pulsar wind nebulae, with specific examples from observations extending from the radio band to very high-energy gamma rays that demonstrate our ability to constrain the history and ultimate fate of the energy released in the spin-down of young pulsars. ff782bc1db

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