Curriculum Vitae

Pulkit Rustagi

PhD in Robotics at Oregon State University

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Fields of Interest


Research Experience

Potential Field Path Planning

Python-based Simulation for Potential Field based Path Planning with
known obstacle locations

Lidar based Mapping 

Python Simulating a Lidar
programmed onto a mouse pointer for
Mapping an unknown environment

Wall Following Bot

Lidar equipped Clearpath Jackal programmed to detect and
follow walls in ROS Gazebo

Tethered-Drone UGV Control 

UGV with onboard tethered UAV
for real-time object detection and
path planning in fields

L1 Adaptive Motion Planning

L1 Adaptive control with contraction
theory used in motion planning of aerial
vehicle in real-time

Multi-agent Localization

Multi-agent system of ground vehicles with aerial vehicles acting as beacons
to enable precise localization

Collision Recovery Controller

 Collision Recovery Controller for a quadcopter to prevent crash failures
on collision with poles

Swarm persistent surveillance

 Swarm algorithm for a time-minimization based surveillance by multi-UAV system
in a testbed simulated in MATLAB

Path Optimisation using GA

 Genetic Algorithm based path
optimization geared toward flight
path planning for UAVs

Publications and Conference Proceedings


Contact me on LinkedIn - link 


View my codes on my GitHub webpage - link 

Complete CV
