The English


"P.S. With Love" Students sharing

Peeping into the Kaleidoscope of our English Activities

To cater for the wide diversity of interests of our students and blend in various cultural elements into our campus, learning English is a blast for our students because language learning extends beyond the walls of English classrooms. Here in Pui Shing, it is hoped that students can acquire the language naturally as they subconsciously use it when participating in a broad range of cross-curricular activities.

Shadow Puppet Show

One of the highlights in our panel was surely the shadow puppet show we put up for the Catholic Diocesan English Talent Show Competition. It was an exhilarating experience to create our own puppet and learn how to control them with the perfect synchronization of the movements, lighting and dialogues. Our efforts were surely paid off as we won second place in the competition!

A Bite of India

To compliment the English morning assembly sharing, titled 'A Bite of India', in which we learned about the Indian cuisine and its signature herbs and spices, we feasted on the sumptuously authentic Indian curry lovingly made by Ms. Marianne Ma at lunchtime with Principal Kwok and Ms. Leung. Indeed, as you can see, nothing brings people together like good food! Agree?

Magic Show

Our creativity was also reflected as we competed with 30 other schools from all over Hong Kong. Incorporating elements of magic to our performance, both the audience and the judges were spell-bound by our illusions and impressed with our multimedia approach. We were thrilled to bring home second place for our entry!

Awesome Ancient Egyptians

To motivate our students to read intensively and extensively, we are teaming up with other subject panels to learn about the world we live in and came to be. With our intensive reading scheme in place, there will be a special focus on Egyptian History as we unravel the mysterious lives of ancient Egyptian and their mathematics . Nothing excites us more than grisly secrets that the Ancient Egyptians have kept buried with them for thousands of years!

In collaboration with the Math panel, we explored Mathematics in Ancient Egypt, precisely in the discipline of arithmetic, with some junior form students. As they read on, our kids uncovered interesting and weird facts about Math at that period of time, like how the ancient Egyptians assigned the task of developing Math to priests, how Math was kept as a closely guarded secret & only taught by word of mouth, the Rhind papyrus, their decimal system, the special number ‘12’ and the Egyptian number chart.

Applying what they have learnt, students did a sharing on the topic and the audience got to work out simple sums based on the Egyptian number chart. Together with their English teacher, students also measured stuff in the campus to uncover the problem with the initial cubit method of the ancient Egyptians and the need for the royal cubit.

The Renaissance Man

In collaboration with the History panel, students were guided to read about the perfect icon of the Renaissance period, in which they got to know the man not only an artist, but also a sculptor, architect, philosopher, engineer and scientist all in one. The students also got to marvel at Leonardo’s greatest artworks, such as the Mona Lisa, Annunciation and the Last Supper, and explore the beauty of the aesthetically pleasing golden ratio – 1:1.618. In addition, students also explored the icon’s many genius inventions and the struggles he faced in his lifetime.

It was hoped that students would be inspired to unleash their inner potentials like how the genius did after reading about the Renaissance man. With the guidance of their English teacher, students applied what they have learnt and presented about the icon in a video that was played in the morning assembly.

English Sharing - Medieval age