About Us

Where is our head office?

We do not have such a location on earth! We are solely responsible to our Risen and Glorified Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:28) However, we do enjoy fellowship with other believers from other assemblies in the same manner around the world.

(1 Corinthians 1:2)

Who is our minister?

We do not have a paid pastor, or minister. There are elders or overseers that seek to shepherd the saints, and different ones that share the responsibility of preaching the gospel on Sunday nights.  (Acts 20:17, 28)

No Collection?

People attending the services in the gospel hall are surprised when no collection is taken. The expenses incurred are fully met by the Christians who regularly meet at the gospel hall. You can come and hear the Gospel of the grace of God preached freely, without a moral obligation to join, or a financial obligation to contribute!  (1 Corinthians 9:18)

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