
A message from the owner of Puerto Penasco Publishing:

What if I could GUARANTEE that in just 7 weeks, I could prepare you to write a book that you'll be proud of? Join us for our next exciting writer's workshop, "Master the Art of Book Writing in Just 7 weeks!"

Presented by Mount Wachusett Community College and Puerto Penasco Publishing.

CLICK HERE TO ENROLL: The Art of Book Writing 1/23 - 3/6-18676 

If you have any specific questions, feel free to message Nina and she will respond as soon as possible: createyourlife.nina@gmail.com

Nina's teaching philosophy, Constructivism. She completed a “Teaching in the Humanities” Course which was designed to equip graduate students whose goal it was to become a college instructor. 

Podcast Study Group

The Messages From Metatron Study Group Podcast” with host Nina Bingham. 

A curriculum for an international audience presented for 2 years.

(16) C View: Messages from Metatron, Study Group Podcast - Devi Nina Bingham - YouTube