
Conference presentations

We have presented our work at international conferences, workshops and invited seminars:

Note: This graph is based on our model simulation. As the public sector wage increases, more educated workers switch to searching for a job in the public sector. This reduces the pool of highly educated job seekers in the private sector, thus lowering the value of an open vacancy for private sector firms. Average wages and employment falls, and this effect is larger when the entry costs (k) are higher. This indicates that barriers to job creation magnify the spillovers from the public sector to the private sector. 

Policy engagement 

Our team members Ija Trapeznikova and Sidharth Rony went to Ghana in October 2022 to meet with policy makers and research users in Accra to better understand the context of public sector pay, recruitment policies, and working conditions. We presented our work and empirical findings for researchers at the International Growth Centre in Ghana (ICG-Ghana) and met with representatives from the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP), Ghana Statistical Service, the Ministry of Finance, and the Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD).